Schwinn iC4 Review (Peleton Dupe)

schwinn ic4 peleton dupe spin bike
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Hello Friends! I’m so excited for this blog post because I have fallen in love with my Schwinn iC4 bike over the past couple of months. Many have asked what my thoughts are on this purchase, so today I will be sharing my review of the bike. I will be talking about. what is included, how much I paid, how it works with the Peleton app, shipping timeline, and so much more.

A quick reminder that I ordered this bike during COVID quarantine, so some things might have changed since, including price. I purchased this bike with my own money and this review is completely 100% my own opinion.

How much does it cost and where did you purchase from?

I purchased my bike in mid May so I was able to snag it for $799 plus tax (Roughly $845). However, I’ve noticed it has gone up $100 (as of when this post was written) and is now $899. However, this does include free shipping. I would still purchase after the price increase. I did not pay for the set up fee because I was happy to set the bike up on my own (which I did and took me under an hour).

I purchased directly from the Schwinn website because it was the most cost effective (free shipping) and I figured it would be best to purchase directly from Schwinn incase I had any future problems (easier to contact one company, rather than multiple). I haven’t had any problems so far, so I can’t really share anything regarding this aspect. I did not pay for the extended warranty.

How long did it take to ship and arrive?

At the time of my purchase it said that the bike would be delivered within 45 days of purchase. I assumed this meant 45 business days, so technically it did arrive on the 44th business day. Roughly, about 9 weeks from purchase to arrival. I did purchase when there was slow downs due to COVID-19 shutdowns, so this might be quicker if you are to order now. There is a link that you receive in an email that allows you to check in on your order and see the status of it.

What is Included?

Along with the bike, I received two 3-lb weights that have holders on the bike, a heart rate monitor that can sync with the bike (I use my Apple watch instead), two water bottle holders on the bike, a flat pad that holds the phone or tablet of your choice (I use my iPhone 11 Pro Max and it works great), clips for if you have spin shoes that clip in, toe cages if you want to use regular tennis shoes, and a digital monitor that’s easy track mileage, speed, RPM, heart rate, etc. It also has a spot where you can plug in a USB charger and charge whatever device you are viewing your class from. You adjust the resistance with the knob which is very easy to use while riding. The handlebars and seat are also easily adjustable.

I already owned spin shoes, so I didn’t need to buy those (I believe the Peleton does include these). While they aren’t required to use the bike, I highly recommend investing in some if you are going to be doing a lot of cycling, because you get a more effective workout with them. The only two bonus things I did purchase for the bike are this black mat to put under the bike, and this padded bike seat to make it a little more comfortable to ride on. Both were inexpensive, easy to wipe down after each ride and I’m loving how they are working for me. You can see both in the photos above.

How does it sync with the Peleton app?

I was worried that it would be difficult to figure out how to sync the bike with the Peleton app, but it was actually very easy. The first time I rode with the bike, I simply pressed the bluetooth button and opened up a Peleton class, clicked a button within the class to open up which devices are synced to Peleton and clicked on the iC4 bike. If you are confused you can easily Google and figure this out. I use my Apple Watch to monitor my heart rate and the bike to monitor my cadence; both of which are displayed on the screen during my Peleton rides.

As far as the cost of Peleton works, it is $13.77 for me a month (including tax) to have unlimited access to both live and prerecorded Peleton workouts. I believe the Peleton membership if you have an actual Peleton bike is around $40 a month, so this is definitely a huge savings in this regard (besides the actual bike being less than half the Peleton price). This includes the cycling classes, but also yoga, strength training, running, and so much more! I absolutely love these classes, the instructors, and that I get access to more than just spinning. I especially love the yoga classes and am excited to try the led runs too. I personally haven’t used the Peleton app with a Peleton device, so I can’t share how different it is to use the Peleton app without them. I have found that I have never felt like I’ve lacked anything by not having an actual Peleton device though. I know that with an actual Peleton it calculates your output based on the resistance and cadence you are spinning at, which is used in the leaderboard to compete against others. To my knowledge that is the only difference from not having a Peleton device, but please comment below if that is wrong.

You don’t have to use the Peleton app to use this bike, it syncs with many other apps, or you can ride at your own pace, etc, which I have done as well and love too.

What was your spinning experience prior to purchasing?

I have been an avid cycler since I was in high school. I used to take weekly spin classes at my local gym and in college took some as well. Since graduating, I have often used the spin bikes at my gym to do more of self directed classes since I have taken so many led by in person instructors.

This past winter, I started getting back into spinning 3-4 times a week on days that I wasn’t running. I told myself that if I spun consistently at the gym for 6 months and saved the money for it, I would buy myself the Schwinn iC4 for my 30th birthday in May 2020. As with any large purchase, it’s very important to evaluate realistically how much you would use the item. If you have never cycled before, I would definitely recommend taking some classes to make sure you enjoy it, because that is the most important thing in getting the most use out of it long term. I was planning on purchasing the bike before COVID and quarantine happened, however I am SO happy to have this amazing piece of equipment in my home now, because I don’t have to leave home and was able to cancel my gym membership.

Do you regret anything and would you recommend?

I do not regret ANYTHING regarding this bike. I would purchase it again and recommend it to any of my friends who enjoy cycling and are considering a long term purchase.

Random things to note:

  • The bike does require being plugged in to track your workout so you need to make sure you can place it close to an outlet.

  • This is VERY important if you are going to buy the Schwinn iC4 bike. The resistance levels DO NOT match up to the Peleton numbers the teachers use in class (I’m not sure if this is for other cycling apps as well). The iC4 is much stronger of a resistance at a lower number. I didn’t know this for a few classes and finally googled it because I couldn’t believe how heavy the Peleton instructors were wanting the resistance. haha You can google it but basically here are the correct conversions —> iC4/Peleton = 5=25, 9=30, 17=35, 25=40, 33=45, 49=50.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! If you have any additional questions regarding my Schwinn iC4 or Peleton experience, please feel free to comment, email or DM me with more questions! Hopefully I covered everything you could need to know.

Have a beautiful day,


Disclosure: Some of the above links are Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. This does not affect the price of the product on your end. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty

8 Positive Impacts from Starting My Day at the Gym

In January, I decided to hop back into my steady working out routine. I missed running consistently and with the added 2020 goals of running a half marathon and buying myself a Peleton bike for my 30th birthday, I knew that I needed to get my routine together.

While I started working out 5 days a week, I completely forgot the amazing effects that a consistent workout routine has on you that don’t involve your physical body.

Today I’m sharing the EIGHT positive effects that implementing a consistent workout routine back in my life, has created. Let’s not forget to take a moment to remember that I also work very hard on listening to my body, resting when needed, and not letting guilt creep in when I want to take a day off. I believe that this is the true way to create a sustainable workout routine that you don’t quit.

  1. More likely to do my AM skincare routine:

    When I go to the gym at 5:30 in the morning, I usually bring my gym bag and shower there. This means that I have a change of clothes, towel, and toiletries. I am really good at doing my evening skincare routine, but sometimes it’s hard for me to get out of bed and do it before heading out for the day, especially on days where I don’t wear makeup. I find that having my skincare ready to go in my skincare and makeup bag, makes it a step that I don’t ever skip because it’s right there with me.

  2. Not late because I have no choice but to plan in the AM:

    When you have to be somewhere in the morning and decide to workout before, you have no choice but to plan accordingly. I pack my gym bag the night before usually and lay out my gym clothes so that I have as little steps to do before I get out the door in the morning as possible. If you know that you have to be somewhere at a certain time, aka nannying for me some days, I am never late because I know that I can’t be. I find on days when I sleep in and don’t go to the gym, I always sneak an extra 5 minutes or more in bed and find myself more likely to be running behind.

  3. I feel more energized throughout the day:

    This one is no secret. I absolutely love how energized I feel all day when I get my workout in early. I love the endorphins! Once you get to a regular schedule, you will love it too!

  4. I am more productive throughout the day:

    For me, there is no greater productivity booster than starting off at the gym. Going along with that energizing feeling, there is something about crossing off ‘Gym’ in my planner first thing when I get to planning my day. It sets the tone for my day and helps me stay focused on my goals.

  5. I make healthier food choices:

    This one is also another common effect of morning workouts. I find that I crave healthier foods and make better choices because I like to eat specific meals after a good workout, i.e. I usually start with a yummy protein shake and that sets the tone for my food choices all day!

  6. Eat a breakfast:

    Going along with #5, when I workout I always have a post workout meal. However, if I don’t run or cycle early in the morning, it’s really easy for me to skip breakfast. I’m not very hungry in the mornings and can easily survive off just coffee in the morning. Working out first thing, forces me to eat that post-workout protein dense meal and start my day off the right way.

  7. Able to relax better at night because I can instantly get into relaxation mode when I get home from work. i.e. PJ’s:

    This might be my favorite effect from working out in the morning. I love that by the time I am getting work I have already finished my workout and don’t have to think about it in the evening. My evenings are sacred to me and I love being able to relax or do other things in the evening.

  8. Start my day off hydrated:

    The last positive effect is really important for everyone! While I am a really good water drinker thanks to my Hydroflask that goes EVERYWHERE with me, I find that I start drinking my water earlier when I work out. I have no choice but to get 40 oz in with my workout, which again, sets the tone for the day. On rest days, it’s easy for me to go straight to coffee and not get to drinking any water until midday.

As you can see, I love working out first thing in the morning because it really sets the tone to have a productive and healthy day. When do you work out? I realize that not everyone is a morning person, but I hope some of these effects can inspire you to move your body more!

Have a great day,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty. 

11 Things With Andrea #2

Let’s just jump right into it!

  1. I recently tried Fabletics for the first time and overall I loved my first purchase. I got two pairs of cropped leggings, one full length pair, and a sports bra that zipped up the front. I was really hoping to find a sport’s bra that was thick and good quality (the zipper ones usually are for higher impact sports), but unfortunately the fabric is just too thin to be super supportive. I LOVED the leggings though. The trinity high-waisted leggings are amazing. I highly recommend them. I asked you guys on IG your thoughts on Fabletics and most of you said that it’s not really great for sports bra, but the leggings and tops are awesome! While it is a monthly subscription I don’t think I’ll be purchasing every month (you can skip months), because I’m pretty set with leggings for now!

  2. I have been reading a lot recently (I’m on my 6th book for the month if that tells you anything). I did a book post recently (click here to check it out) and I’m excited to have some extra time next week to relax and read because the families I nanny for are on spring break! I picked up ‘The Shape of Water’, ‘Big Little Lies’ and ‘The Devil in the White City’ from the library and you all voted for me to start with ‘Big Little Lies’! I’m excited to read all three of these so make sure to check back in a little while to see my review on them.

  3. I currently have a GIVEAWAY going for a $100 Gift Certificate to JORD watches! If you haven’t entered it yet, CLICK HERE to check out the watch I was gifted for Mikey (my sweet watch obsessed other half). You don’t want to miss out on this awesome chance to win! You also get a 10% off code for entering so what do you have to lose?

  4. Wedding season begins this Saturday. While I had one wedding in January, this weekend starts the doing something almost every weekend for weddings and I AM SO EXCITED! I love my brides! I only have 2 Saturdays left and many Fridays and Sundays available so if you’re a 2019 bride who still needs a makeup artist, please contact me ASAP! (Click the CONTACT tab in the menu on the left).

  5. I’m really excited to be on track to be under $10,000 in debt by my 29th birthday this May (my goal is to be debt free by 30, which I am also on track for)! I know I don’t talk about it a lot on here, but for all of you working your butts off to become debt free, I AM WITH YOU! It’s probably my biggest goal that I’m working towards every day and if you’re also going through it, I know the struggles and tough work it takes. WE CAN DO IT!

  6. Please send all Netflix/Hulu/Prime recommendations my way. Like I mentioned before I have spring break coming up and am going to attempt to watch something since I suck at it. Working on learning how to be comfortable being relaxed and lazy, but it’s a process.

  7. I’m happy to report my anxiety is much lower than it was in January and February. I know I talked about it a lot on my IG and a little here, but if you don’t see me talking about it as much as I was, just know it is always something I am dealing with and working with. You are not alone. Always message me if you want to talk to someone.

  8. I’ve been trying a lot of new to me products from Drunk Elephant, Herbivore Botanicals, Tarte, Mad Hippie, etc and I’m excited to put together a post devoted to what I liked/ didn’t like.

  9. Cookbook writing is still coming along well! Every week I feel like I see the vision of my final cookbook becoming a little stronger which is really exciting. To all of you who consistently ask me how it’s going and are as excited as I am…you will NEVER know how much I truly appreciate your support and love. I am writing this cookbook for you and I think you’re going to love it! If you haven’t already signed up for cookbook updates, please click here to be added to my email list!

  10. If you’re in the Midwest, you’ve been experiencing some lovely SUN the last few weeks and it’s been AMAZING! Am I the only one who’s always constantly amazed at how much it affects our mood. We are different people when the sun is out and I love it! Spring is my favorite season so I’m excited to return to running outdoors and stopping to check up on all the blooms.

  11. If you caught Samin Nosrat’s phenomenal Netflix series, ‘Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat’ you might have checked out her cookbook of the same name. If you checked out her cookbook you probably oo’ed and aaah’ed at the beautiful artwork in it. I preordered these TO DIE FOR prints from the cookbook and if you need some extra kitchen art (I’m planning a beautiful kitchen gallery wall) you NEED to order these prints. They are so inexpensive for what beauty they really are!

  12. BONUS: This last one isn’t about me. It’s about you. You’re great. And I hope you’ll keep coming around to read what I write. I still get such amazing messages from you all about how my content is inspiring you and lifting you up and all I can say is, YOU are the one inspiring and lifting me up when you say these things. You are great! Thank you

Have the best weekend you tootie cutie patootie people,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

Dre Does Friday Favorites

It's been too long since I've shared some Friday Favorites so I thought I'd give you a taste of what I've been really enjoying lately.

First up we have a fall themed favorite that I discovered when looking for something else! I'm a huge fan of greek yogurt and it's the only dairy I consumer besides the occasional addition of cheese when I'm cooking. I heard that Chobani had Pumpkin Spice Yogurt and even though I didn't think I would like it I set out to find some. Luckily I came across the last one while grocery shopping last week and right next to it was an abundance of the Cinnamon Pear flavor. I grabbed a few and it turns out I ended up hating the pumpkin spice one and being OBSESSED with the Cinnamon Pear flavor. It's so delicious. While they are higher in sugar than I like (15g of sugar and 12g of protein), if you're looking for a healthier option to having dessert at night, I highly recommend trying the Cinnamon Pear flavor as an evening snack!

 Even though I'm already more than halfway through the 20's I really enjoyed reading this article from Emily, one of my favorite fashion and lifestyle blogger's from Cupcakes and Cashmere. It's filled with some great reminders so take a look when you have a second.

I have been obsessed with the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Spotlight in Opal (the liquid version of the Shimmering Skin Perfector family). It came in a kit of four mini's from Becca that I purchased about 6 months ago. While I fell in love with two of the four really quickly, this one kind of got thrown into a drawer and for some reason I decided to pull it out last week and start using it. Not sure what compelled me to do so but thanks to whatever intuition I should thank for my now glowing skin! It has a nice, flat applicator that makes it really easy to dab one side on one cheek, flip it over and dab the other side on the other cheek! Then I use my beauty blender to blend the product well into my skin so I have no harsh edges (I should note that I always apply it after my under eye concealer as my last liquid product. I then set my under eye concealer with powder and finish my face with my other powder products). I love how dewy and healthy it makes my skin look. The nice thing about the full size version of this product is that it comes with a pump so you can mix it in with foundation or moisturizer to give you an all over dewy illumination. It will definitely be added to my beauty wishlist.

While I haven't mentioned it for awhile here on Dre Does I reach for my Aveda Beautifying Composition often especially as the weather starts to get chillier. Recently I've been noticing some random dry patches around my nose and eye area so I pulled out my trusted friend and have been adding a drop here and there to combat these random flaky spots. I love the aroma and the versitility of this product and will never be without it. Click here to see a post I did on it more than a year and a half ago showing 11 uses for this magical product!

Cycling or spinning (depending on what you call it...haha) used to be a huge part of my life. When I was a senior in high school my mom dragged me into a class with her and I was hooked! I am super competitive by nature and loved being able to push myself every class. I started going multiple times a week and it became a huge part of my workout routine. I slowly got out of it as college and life got busier and it had been years since I have done it. A few months ago though, the gym at my apartment complex got a spin bike and I couldn't have been more excited. I dusted off my spin shoes and have been spinning at least 4 times a week since! I forgot how much I truly love the workouts. You can find great spinning workout ideas on Pinterest if you need some inspiration. If you're not the biggest fan of running and you've never tried it I highly recommend giving it a shot! I think it's really important to find a class in your area to get started so that you can learn proper form and technique from professionals before you try it on your own.

Dre Does Skincare Tips for the Active Woman

It's no secret that living an active lifestyle means you probably spend a portion of your day sweating. This can lead to breakouts, excessive oilliness, etc., so I've decided to share with you some tips on how I keep my skin clean and reduce my likelihood of breaking out. 

1. WASH YOUR FACE: I always head to the gym with a clean face which also means that I never wear makeup. I personally hate the feeling of makeup on my skin when I'm hot and sweaty in the gym so instead I do my usual morning skincare routine (since I normally workout every morning) and make sure to use a mattifying moisturizer to help combat some of the excessive oiliness. 

2. HEADBANDS ARE YOUR FRIEND: I like to wear a headband always when I'm working out. Not only does it help keep flyaways out of my face but it catches some sweat from dripping on my forehead. If you use hair products they can travel down your face and potentially clog your pores, so I like to prevent some of that with headbands (This also works well if you have bangs that could spread sweat and bacteria while working out). My favorite are the kinds with the rubber grips on the inside so that they don't move anywhere. 

3. BLOT YOUR FACE: While working out, I like to use papertowels to blot the excessive sweat from my face so that it stays clean. My gym luckily has a paper towel dispenser so I use those to get rid of sweat so that I don't have to touch it with my hands. Think of all the bacteria that your hands are touching from the machines to the weights. It's much better for your skin to use something disposable that you won't keep reusing like your hands or your shirt. 

4. KEEP YOUR GYMBAG STOCKED: I like to make sure to keep my gym bag stocked with some necessities to make sure I can always keep my face clean. It's crucial to have cleansing wipes because if you don't have time to immediately hop in the shower or wash your face again, you can at least clean your face quickly and remove sweat and impurities. Also if you're someone who gets excessively oily, I recommend keeping oil blotting sheets on hand to mattify your skin on the go. 

5. DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE: This may seem a little obvious but some of us need to consciously think about it to stop doing it. Our hands carry so much bacteria around as we go from machine to machine at the gym, so make sure to keep your hands off of your skin. This is a tip for anyone trying to reduce breakouts, but it's expecially crucial when you're sweaty and in the gym.

6. DRINK WATER: Always make sure you rehydrate your body after working out. It's important for your skin's health to drink plenty every day but it's even more important when you workout because you are sweating so much. 

I hope these tips help you maintain cleaner skin while being active. Remember, your skin is your body's largest organ so while it's important to be active and healthy, we can't forget to take care of our skin as well! 

Have a beautiful day,


Dre Does an Influenster Go VoxBox Review

So you might be wondering what that little Influenster Button is on the side of my blog. Let me tell you a little bit about Influenster before I get into the amaaaaazing products they sent me to try out. Influenster is an online community of reviews basically. As a member I can review products I already own that I love, take surveys on products I've tried, and share all of my lovely opinions on various types of social media. Depending on how involved with the site you are (they have a point scale to determine this), what your interests are and what your expertise is in, you can qualify for various VoxBoxes that they send out from different brands. Beauty, health related, food, etc...the diversity of products they have on the site is awesome! As a blogger I naturally like sharing my opinion on products I like and dislike, so I obviously I quickly got addicted to the site. One day, I got an email saying I might qualify to receive a free VoxBox so they asked me to take a quick survey, and said I would be notified if I was chosen to receive some free products. I ended up qualifying and here we are with a review of the Go VoxBox.

Below is a picture of all of the products I received (Disclaimer: while yes I did receive all of these items for free, all of these opinions are my own and Influenster does not require you to blog about it or say how awesome everything is. 100% honesty on my blog ONLY)

From left to right, starting on top we have: the Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Shaker with the little Jaxx mixer, 3 sample packets of The Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Fit N' Full Shake, Aqua Spa relax Body Creme in Lavender + Camomile, the ProFoot Pedi-Rock, Playtex Sport Tampons, a coupon for a free Müller yogurt, Blue Diamond Blueberry Flavored roasted almonds, the ProFoot Triad Othotic shoe inserts, and lastly a coupon for $5 off my purchase at the Vitamin Shoppe until the end of May.

The Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Shaker and 3 Sample Packets of Fit N' Full Shake: I was really excited to see these come in the Go VoxBox because I'm always looking at different types of protein supplements. I've never tried anything from The Vitamin Shoppe so I was excited to be introduced to the brand. I love the shaker first off with the little Jaxx Mixer because it really doesn't make it so easy to shake up and dissolve the protein shake so you don't have any gross clumps of powder in your drink. I received the flavors Swiss Chocolate, French Vanilla, and Fresh Berries and while they were all great, chocolate will usually always win for me.  With 14g of protein per serving and only 1g of sugar, these shakes are meant to be used as a meal replacement to curb hunger and cravings. They do however contain milk, soy, and wheat so warning to those who avoid those ingredients. All you do is add them to shaker with 8 fl oz. of cold water and shake it up! I tried them out as meals every time and I have to say they really did leave me feeling satisfied. I really think I'll look into buying some of these next time I'm looking for protein. You can get a 16 serving tub of the powder mix online at for $24.99 or buy a 14-pack of individual packets for the same price. Overall opinion: HUGE thumbs up on this yummy product.

Aqua Spa relax Body Creme in Lavender Camomile: Aqua Spa is another brand I had never heard of so I was interested to receive this parabens free body creme. First off, it smells wonderful and it's texture is nice and smooth. On their website, Aqua Spa claims that this body creme is "formulated to help stimulate cell renewal, enhance skin elasticity, strengthen skin, boost collagen, and keep skin hydrated" with the addition of the Marina Youth Complex. It also calms and relaxes with the wonderful aroma. While it's too soon to tell if it's actually boosting my cell renewal rate and collagen, it is nice and hydrating and calming so I like using it. This full size of 12 oz. retails for $9.99 on their website at (I received a generous 9 oz. size).

ProFoot Pedi-Rock: I am a very active person and with that comes calluses on the bottoms of my feet. I am obsessed with this product. My two favorite aspects of the Pedi-Rock are the shape and that you can use it dry. I love the shape of the rock because you can easily grip it to use it on your calluses. It can sometimes be tricky to hold pummus stones and use them on your feet, however the shape of the Pedi-Rock makes it really easy to control. I also love that you can use it wet or dry. While obviously it's better to soak you feet to soften the calluses, sometimes it's awkward to reach your feet and not fall over in the shower. Plus if I forget to do it in the shower and remember I'm going to be wearing sandals or heels where my feet will be seen, it's nice not having to jump back in the shower to get rid of those calluses. While you can't buy directly from the ProFoot website there are links to places you can the Pedi-Rock. I found it on Amazon for $14.99.

Playtex Sport Tampons: While most women probably have a good idea of what tampons they prefer, it's always nice trying out something new that I know I have to use. I've never generally tried any kind of Playtex tampons surprisingly. I always stick to either Tampax Pearl or U by Kotex and generally base it on which one is on sale at the moment I need them. I have to say I will probably add these tampons to the mix of comparison next time I'm at the grocery store because as far as tampons go I only require two things; they get the job done as hygienically and freshly as possible and they have plastic applicators. So these tampons did that and are good. The pack of 18 retails for about $7 depending on where you buy them. Also sorry if you're a guy reading this. Ew. Periods. Gross. Deal with it.

The Müller Coupon: I love Müller yogurt already so I was really excited to see this coupon for a free yogurt! They have really great flavors and mixes of greek yogurt so I highly suggest going to your grocery store and checking them out! I especially like the one with the mix in almonds!

Blue Diamond Blueberry Almond Sample Pack: I've always loved almonds and when cocoa roasted almonds came out I was all over those. When I opened up the VoxBox to find Blueberry flavored almonds I was really excited because I didn't know such a thing existed! They were so delicious and I will definitely be looking for them the next time I go grocery shopping. I got this convenient little sample pack that is perfect for snacking but I like that you can purchase them in a larger bag as well if you don't want snack packs! They also have strawberry and raspberry flavors so I'm interested in trying them all. These almonds make a great snack between meals because they have protein and fiber while only having 6g of sugar and being very low sodium as well. I highly recommend checking these out. I could only find these on and they were $8.99 for the larger 4 oz. bag or about $16 for a pack of 12 of the snack packs.

ProFoot Triad Orthotic Shoe Inserts: As soon as I came across these in the VoxBox I ripped the packaging open and placed them into my work shoes. They are awesome and really comfortable. I like that they are squishy and can fit multiple sizes of shoes. They claim to improve not only the pain in your feet, but also in your legs, knees, and back. While I don't have leg or knee pain, I do think that these helped sooth some of my back pain when I was at work. I'm going to continue to wear them and let you know how it goes! Once again you can't purchase directly from the ProFoot website but I found them on Walgreen's website for $10.99.

Let me know if you enjoyed this type of a review and if you've tried any of these products before! Also be sure to check out Influenster yourself and get involved!

Have a beautiful day,


Julia Does a Guest Post!

Happy Monday friends! 
Today I bring you a guest post by my beautiful friend Julia! She has a wonderful blog called 'Fit, Fat, and All That' that is about her journey with fitness, healthy living and most importantly self love. We decided to collaborate and write a post for each other's blogs so that is what you will read below! If you'd like to see my post on her blog go visit her link below, but most importantly take some time to read her posts because they are awesome and very inspirational! 


Hi all! I am so excited to be doing a guest post for Dre! I absolutely love her blog...I mean come on, she's amazing at make-up and always looks flawless! I love how she talks about accentuating your best assists but also accepting your flaws. I think it's a great message, because no one is perfect. Not even those models in magazines, they don't even look like that, because they are all photoshopped! (Stupid if ya ask me...) 
A little about me... 
My name is Julia and I write a blog called Fit, Fat, and All That! It's a blog about my journey to living a healthy AND happy life. I have always struggled with my weight, eating, and body image since I was a teenager. I've tried everything from binging and purging, restricting calories, and even tried using those awful diet pills...nothing was working because I wanted a solution fast! I wanted nothing more than to be skinny and all I did was bash my body. I felt awful in my own skin and was constantly worrying about how I looked...and then it finally all changed. My blog talks about my journey to accepting the body I'm in and how I finally started to love my curves and my strength. 

Today I wanted to write to you guys about self-love and learning to accept the amazing body you were given. Like I said, no one is perfect, we have flaws and things we don't exactly love, but you were given one body...and you should love it, no matter what. 

Of course, easier said than done, and I still struggle with it because it's a long process, but it's worth it. 

Here are some things that have helped me work towards loving and accepting myself, curves, cellulite, fat, and all!! 

1. Stop the fat talk! 
Every time I would look in a mirror I would pick apart my body. I hated this spot here and wanted to move that fat there... Of course it doesn't work like that though. I would say I looked fat and gross...and you know what... I started to feel that way too. I hated how negative I was and it was overflowing into other areas of my life. Instead of bashing your body, write down things you love about yourself and your body and put them around your mirror. Each day you will then be reminded of all the wonderful things about yourself! 

2. Find a workout regimen you love!
It doesn't matter if it's walking, dancing in your underwear (which I love!), lifting weights, yoga, swimming... Whatever! Find something that gets your heart pumping and those endorphins flowing! Exercise is not only good for your body but it's good for your mind. I've found I am way happier when I workout regularly. I recently started Crossfit and I AM IN LOVE! It's an amazing workout and I love the family I have become a part of! Find something you feel excited about it and don't give up! 

3. Throw out the scale! 
Not going to lie, sometimes I still weigh myself just to see that I haven't fallen off the wagon tooooo much... But I used to weigh myself multiple times a day, and it got crazy.  I actually am smaller than I was at my lowest weight but it weigh about 10 pounds more. I started lifting heavy weights and I am way more toned than when I weighed less. I try to focus more on how I feel and how my clothes fit. I love to take pictures and compare them, it's amazing the differences you can see that the scale doesn't show. Do not let your happiness be defined by a number on a stupid scale, you are more than just a number. 

4. Find a healthy eating plan that works for you! 
Not every meal plan works for everyone and some people are more sensitive to certain foods. It has taken me years to find what works. I definitely struggle with my eating because I love naughty foods but I try my hardest to eat clean. I try not to eat processed foods because I always feel better when I don't! Also make sure you are eating enough! Lots of protein and veggies guys! Do some research and figure out something that works for you and stick with it! Buuuuut...if you do slip up, don't beat yourself up. We all do it, move on, drink some water, and eat healthy your next meal. Don't sabotage your day or week because of one slip up. 

5. Surround yourself with people who support you! 
This is a major one! If you surround yourself with negative people and people who don't support your journey to a healthier and happier you, then you're going to be a more negative person and it's going to be a lot harder of a journey. Find people who love you, support you, and embrace the true you!!! 

I hope that what I've written today helps you or at least makes you feel you are not alone. It's a long journey and it takes a lot of mental strength...but you can be happy in the body you were given. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and you need to embrace it! 

If you want to read about my journey, head on over to my blog!

Have a beautiful day everyone. 

~xoxo, Julia


Thank you so much Julia for doing this collaboration with me! 

Have a beautiful day friends! 
