Skincare for Spring

Welcome back! We haven’t talked about skincare in a little while, so I figured this would be a great requested topic to start off May with! Today I’m sharing some tips to consider while adjusting to the new season. Obviously, this will depend on what the season change means for your specific location, so take that into account as well.

  1. SPF:

    Did you really think I wasn’t going to start this post off talking about SPF? haha While it’s important to wear it all year round, yes even in the winter…I wanted to start by reminding you that it’s very important to wear an SPF that is separate from your moisturizers and makeup, during the warmer months. ALSO, say it with me….REAPPLICATION! Often times we can be really great at applying it at the start of the day, but reapplying is key to staying protected. My favorite SPF for awhile has been this one by Amavara.

  2. Hyperpigmentation:

    If you dealt with some post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from recent maskne (don’t worry, so many of us did), it’s important that you protect yourself in the sun. Generally, it is pretty easy to fade post-acne hyperpigmentation with vitamin C, but it’s crucial that you don’t let the scars be exposed to sun. Layer on that SPF, wear a sun hat, and I guarantee you will see those scars fade quicker! The more sun they get, the darker (more melanin is produced for protection) and the longer they will take to fade.

  3. Moisturizer:

    I live in Michigan and it’s no secret that our weather can be a little crazy and unpredictable during the spring. One day it can get up to 80 degrees, and then you can wake up with frost the next morning. For this reason, I think it’s really important to be able to have a couple moisturizers on hand, if this fluctuation affects your skin. You may find yourself being a little oilier as it warms up, and need a lighter moisturizer some days. You also may find your skin becoming more dehydrated as you spend a little more time outdoors, so it’s important to find a moisturizer that also replenishes the hydration of your skin. Regardless, learning how to read what your skin needs, is the best way to keep it balanced during this unpredictable season.

    I personally love using the Weleda skin food moisturizers throughout the year. I use the Skin Food Light during the warmer months, and the Skin Food Original during the colder months.

  4. Chemical Exfoliating:

    You probably already know what a BIG fan of chemical exfoliating I am. However, here’s my reminder that if you are chemically exfoliating, even once, it’s vital that you wear your SPF and protect your skin. Recently exfoliated skin is more sensitive to the sun, so while you normally might think you can avoid a sunburn, you may be surprised how quickly it can happen. Obviously this depends on multiple factors since everyone’s skin is different, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

  5. Masks:

    If you don’t currently have a good hydrating mask, the transition into warmer weather is a great time to grab one. My personal favorite the Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel Mask because it’s great for dehydrated skin that needs to be soothed. Also, if you tend to be maskne prone, I recommend keeping a clay or charcoal purifying mask on hand to help clean out the pores. I personally love the Pixi Glow Mud Mask for this purpose. Also, don’t forget that multiple masks can be used as spot treatments all over the face if you have combination skin and need different products in different areas.

Those are my helpful reminders as we transition into a new season. Remember, your skin can change on a daily basis during season changes, so do your best to cater to what your skin needs every day. If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to visit my Contact page and send me an email!

Have a wonderful spring,


Disclosure: Some of the above links are Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. This does not affect the price of the product on your end. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty

Unsolicited Wedding Advice from a Married Financial Planner

I am so honored to welcome Stephanie A Trexler, CFP®, a previous Andrea Fontana Beauty bride and CEO and Owner of Golden Goose Wealth Planning to the blog! When I got engaged in February, I asked her to share her wealth of knowledge with those of us who are in the planning stages of our weddings! Be sure to check out her business when you are done reading and share this information with anyone you know who is newly engaged! Thank you Steph.


Everyone has an opinion when it comes to weddings and it has been said that weddings bring out the crazy in everyone! Here are a few things I wish I would have known before my big day!

∙       Do research before you set a budget- Do not put the cart before the horse! My husband and I picked a random number for a budget because we thought that is what the wedding SHOULD cost, turns out we were off by $10,000. We had not done our research and taken the time to figure out what the kind of wedding we wanted would realistically cost. It would have had a better idea of a realistic cost beforehand; it would have saved many disagreements in the future!

∙       Get organized- Get a physical wedding planner. My sister gave me a custom wedding planner for our engagement gift. It was super helpful having everything in one place. I carried it around with my in my purse and always had my checklists at my fingertips. You will also want to make a spreadsheet and save it in a place where you can easily share it with your fiancé. You will want to make sure you have the following tabs:

o   Guestlist

o   Addresses

o   Budget & Payment Due Dates

o   Day of schedule, 

o   Vendor contact information

∙       Go to the wedding expos- They might seem cheesy, but they have tons of great ideas and I made a lot of great contacts at the one I went to. This is also a great opportunity to start getting an idea of how much things cost. At the expo I attended, a caricature artist was setting up her business and she was offering a discount if I booked with her that day. This allowed us to add a nice touch to our wedding that was very affordable. 

∙       Think creatively where you register-You might think you really need that waffle maker but consider also registering for things for your home such as tools and yard equipment. After you move into your “big-kid home there are a lot of leaves to rake and driveways to shovel. Those gift cards to Home Depot will come in handy in the future and save you money down the line! Consider using a wedding registry website that allows you to register at multiple stores. 

∙       Hire a day of coordinator-Yes, it is an extra expense, but 1000% worth it. Skip the Starbucks, work a side hustle, or pick up some babysitting jobs to make it happen! Having a day of coordinator allowed me to relax with my bridesmaids and drink mimosas. On top of that, she was able to take all the decorations I had bought and made and arrange them even better than I ever could have myself. She has an eye for weddings and her personal touch made all the difference! Leave setting up to the professionals and enjoy your day!

∙       Flower Captain-On the day of your wedding, assign someone you trust to make sure everyone including parents and grandparents gets their boutonnieres and corsages. Give that person a list of who’s supposed to get what. I made the mistake of sending the boutonnieres and corsages to the groom’s room, and not all of the grandparents received theirs on time. This is a great job for a significant other of a groomsman!

∙       Allocate extra time- Weddings always seem to run behind. Set yourself up for success and give yourself an extra half-hour buffer between items on your itinerary. Things come up! Someone might need to stop at the store on the way back from the salon, a traffic jam slowed down the trolley or a groomsman needs a belt! Plan extra time into your day to ensure your ceremony and reception do not get delayed!

∙       Talk about money with your fiancé- Money is one of the top fights between couples. There is a good chance you were raised differently and have different values around money. It is ok to have different opinions, the important thing is to understand the WHY behind why your partner thinks the way they do. 

∙       Relax and enjoy- Planning a wedding can be a stressful time, but also the most magical. It all goes by so fast. Soak up every bit of it and enjoy the journey. There are very few times in life where all the attention is on you. Everyone will give you their opinion, but just remember everyone is excited and eager to help. Do not forget to take five minutes for you and your husband alone on your big day! 

 Happy Planning!



Stephanie A Trexler, CFP®


Stephanie is the CE0 and owner of Golden Goose Wealth Planning. She helps couples plan and save for the future. Be sure to reserve your spot in Stephanie’s Newlywed class today.


The Best Tips for Running More

best tips for running

I had never considered myself a runner until this year. Sure I have used running as a workout for years, but I never saw myself as one until recently. Before I dive into the tips, let me give you a little bit of backstory so that you know that if you currently don’t like running or don’t run at all, it doesn’t matter. I believe ANYONE can be a runner.

I would consider myself pretty athletic. Growing up, I played basketball and volleyball and spent a large amount of time playing volleyball especially (i.e. travel teams). However, I never liked running. It was always presented as a method of conditioning or punishment and looking back, I can understand why I never liked it. Running is definitely a mental sport and these methods always attached a negative connotation to it.

Fast forward to my adult, post-college life, I would go periods of 2-3 months of consistent running, but never stuck with it for longer than that. I pretty much have always enjoyed working out but always switched it up every so often, which is totally fine! I think a lot of that was due to the fact that here in Michigan there is a large portion of the year that it’s too cold and snowy to run outside and I don’t love treadmill running as much as outdoor running. However, I realized that I had to kick this excuse if I wanted running to become a regular and long term habit of mine. Currently today, I have been running consistently every week (at least 3 times) for the last 5 months and finally call myself a runner. A few weeks ago I ran my first 10K and really enjoyed it! Crazy I know!

My tips are both mental and physical, which I think is key to running more often and longer distances. DISCLAIMER: I am no running expert. If you have specific questions about running ask your doctor or someone who is very knowledgeable on the topic. These are simply the steps I took to enjoy running as a consistent hobby. So let’s get started!

  1. Slowly invest in quality running gear.

    This one was especially key for transforming my mental attitude towards running. It all started with me going to a specialty running store and investing in good running shoes that were specifically designed for my wide and flat feet. Check sales and shop a small business in your area for this. Good shoes are KEY!

    I also started buying high quality running clothing. Granted, probably 50% of my running gear is from the thrift store (so this is financially possible and you can find good brands there), but by investing in quality items, it was as if I gave myself permission to be a runner. In the past I have always shied away from purchasing running gear because I didn’t think I would use them enough, and guess what. This resulted in me not running. There was something about making the mental shift that I deserved good gear that gave myself permission to BE a runner.

    I love to use gear as a reward for myself as well. I recently purchased a Nike Waist Belt that holds my phone and keys, etc, as a reward for running my 10K and now I am excited to wear it every time I go for a run. Sometimes it’s the details that help most.

    Yes, you may be thinking, technically you can run in whatever shorts and old t shirt you have at home already. This is true. BUT, if you are struggling with being consistent I highly recommend reevaluating your budget and finding ways to purchase new gear.

  2. Music is important.

    I switch up my playlists CONSTANTLY. I do not like running to the same music two runs in a row, so I am always finding new playlists to listen to. Spotify is great for this and can make it fun to share playlists with other running buddies. I love when I’m trying to push through a tough run and a song that I love and I have completely forgotten about comes on and adds that extra pep in my step to get it done!

  3. Use an app for tracking.

    If you’re especially competitive with yourself, I highly recommend an app that does all the tracking for you to make progress easy to follow. How can you expect to get better if you aren’t keeping track?!

    I am super picky and have to love the apps user experience on my phone and my Apple watch and I love the Nike Running Club most for this. If you have an Apple watch, you can customized the screen you see when you’re running to exactly what you want (i.e. I prefer to see my heart rate, distance, and time).

  4. Set no weekly goals; only monthly and long term.

    This again is another mental strategy that works really well for me. I do not set any type of weekly goals when it comes to running. I aim to run about 3-4 times a week, but I don’t hold myself to any type of schedule. Instead, I give myself a monthly goal of miles to run and if I hit my goal, increase it by 5-10 miles the next month. I also have a long term goal of running a half marathon this year, but it’s simply in the back of my head as something I’m working towards.

    I have found that this is the best system that works for me to get rid of any guilt or feelings of failure, which is KEY in consistency and running long term. Anytime I feel bad about missing a run, I remind myself that this is a LIFE LONG goal, and in the grand scheme of things, missing one run won’t hurt me. I can always do my run tomorrow. I have read and talked to a lot of runners who stop running after training for long races, so I want to make sure that I don’t put too much pressure on myself.

  5. Start with intervals.

    If you are starting from ground zero with running it’s important to remember that IT’S OK TO WALK! NO ONE is judging you. This is your journey and we’re trying to cultivate a love of running here, not burnout. When I first started getting back into running, I was running 2 minutes, than walking 30- 60 seconds. That’s ok! You don’t have to run a straight 5 miles in order to be considered a runner. Start small and every couple of runs try to increase that amount of time that you’re running. You’ll get there!

  6. Figure out what type of runner you are.

    This is another huge factor in what allowed me to increase the distance I was able to run.

    • Time vs. Distance: Figure out if you prefer to run for a set amount of time or a set distance. I personally am a distance girl because I feel more accomplished by how far I run instead of how fast I run. For some reason, the thought of running for a specific amount of time, feels harder to me.

    • Running Loops vs. Running Distance, turning around and running back: This may seem silly but most runners have a preference. There’s something about that halfway point and turning around that fuels me for the second part of my run. I love that I’m able to add extra distance or even shorten my run if I need to, based on my route. Sometimes I feel really great and want to add an extra mile and by running to my halfway point I’m not committed to a specific loop. It’s also a great way to explore new neighborhoods and areas because you can just run and turn back!

  7. Don’t compare your running to anyone else’s.

    Remember: When someone else increases their speed, it does NOT make you any slower. You cannot compare yourself to other people because again, this is your journey. We are all different and the only person you should be striving to get better than is your previous self. I know it can be hard to not do this with social media and fitness everywhere online, but doing your best is all that matters.

  8. Listen to your body.

    I have gotten very good at listening to my body now that I’ve been running consistently for awhile. You know deep down if you are choosing not to run because you don’t feel like or because your body needs some rest. On a day where I REALLY do not feel like running, I will give myself 15 minutes to decide. If after 15 minutes of running, my body still doesn’t want to be running, I’ll stop and walk a couple miles instead. I’m still moving my body so that’s great! Don’t force yourself if you aren’t mentally in it. Most times though, after that 15 minutes, I’m good and ready to keep running.

  9. One long run a week.

    Long run is completely subjective to each of us. Basically, I try to do one run that really pushes me towards my monthly and long term goals per week. Whether it’s a farther distance or running at a faster pace, I find that this is a good rule of thumb for growth for me. Your timeline might be different, but this is what’s worked well for me so far and hey! I just ran my first 10K!

  10. Integrate cross-training workouts, especially yoga.

    Adding yoga and cycling into my workout routine has really helped me stay consistently running. The yoga is great for stretching my muscles and increasing my strength in areas that I might not normally attend to. Cycling is a great low impact way for me to strengthen my legs and glutes, however as you can imagine, I haven’t been able to cycle due to my gym being closed for COVID-19. Some days it’s nice to know I’m working towards my goals while mixing it up and doing something different. I don’t like doing the same thing every day, so this helps me feel like I’m doing something new.

  11. Accept that not all runs will be the most enjoyable or fastest.

    Go into this knowing that you will not be hitting personal records every run and some days will suck. Like everything in life, there are highs and lows, running is no exception. Some days I can run over 6 miles and feel so good when I’m done, even like I could have kept going for longer. Then a few days later, 2 miles feels miserable. This is about long term growth, not short term and you must be wiling to put it in the work on tough days too!

Below are some of the items I love for running:

Nike Slim Waistpack

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS) I love this thing. I have been using the Series 3 for almost 2 years and she is still going strong! I can still get 2 days of use out of her without charging, but I usually pop her on my charger when I’m showering to add a little extra length.

First Aid Beauty Weightless Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30

Asics Quick Lyte Women’s Running Socks

Smartwool Socks I like these for cooler weather runs.

Fabletics Leggings I don’t buy anything else from them.

BeatsX Wireless Earphones I’ve been using these for 1.5 years and I love them. I can usually get at least 5 runs out of them before having to charge.

I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know in the comments below what your favorite music is to listen to when running!!

Have a great day and get outside and run,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty. 

How I Thrift: Tips & Tricks

I told you this post was coming! haha I have truly fallen in love with thrifting and I am so excited to finally talk more about it with you. I know initially I was going to have my friend Margaret (@margaretellenhess) write this post, but she opened a thrifted/antiqued/new shop (@edgewoodplaceoccasions) within an antique store, and her plate became very full. Instead I’m going to have her talk a little bit about her shop on here soon, so those of you who are local to the Jackson/ surrounding areas, can go visit her shop if you’d like!

Majority of my inspiration and love for thrifting has come from Margaret and also my friend Mercedes (@mercedesrichelle). Thank you ladies for bringing this fun hobby into my life that allows me to re-purpose items that are still good (aka reduce my waste) and tap into a whole new way to express my creativity!

Get a cart the second you walk in the door.

The first time I thrifted with my best friend Margaret, she insisted I get a cart when we walked in. I remember thinking like ‘WTF Margs, we’ve been here for 2 seconds, I haven’t even found anything”. BUT GUYS. It makes perfect sense! If you don’t get a cart, you have to carry things in your hands as you find them. This means you don’t have both hands free for searching through racks and that you’re more likely to get tired and overwhelmed because it will feel like a lot of work. If you have a cart, you can throw in whatever you want and don’t have to hold anything! For this reason I also suggest a cross-body purse so that you don’t have to hold that.

If you are drawn to the fabric, fit, whatever, PUT it in the cart.

This is the other MAJOR tip my friend Margaret taught me. If you gravitate towards a piece for a certain reason, just throw it in the cart. It’s impossible to know exactly how it’s going to fit until you try it on and you might be pleasantly surprised by items you never thought would work. Plus sometimes you can figure out a way to style something a certain way that makes it better than what it looks like on the hanger…but more on this in a little bit.

Go with plenty of time to move slowly. It’s not a race.

One of the worst things you can do is go in a rush. I find myself feeling more anxious and overwhelmed when I am rushing myself through racks. Thrifting is not always quick and there’s no guarantee that you will find anything, so it’s important to give yourself plenty of time to treasure hunt.

Bring a friend.

I love thrifting on my own, but it’s always easier and more fun when I bring a friend. I love weird prints and sometimes it’s hard to tell whether something is cute or too dated. Having a friend to give you a quick yes or no can move the process a long faster. Also it may help you to say yes to certain things and step out of your comfort zone!

Keep a running list of items you are looking for on your phone.

Since you don’t always know what you’re going to find at the thrift store I like to always have a list of the general types of pieces I am looking for, for my wardrobe. This helps me keep ideas in the back of my head so that I’m not trying to search every inch of the store every time I go in. Sometimes I really want graphic tees so I’ll head to that area first. This makes me feel like I have a plan in an environment that can sometimes feel a little unorganized and chaotic.

Don’t expect to find everything in one day. Go often.

Thrifting is definitely a marathon hobby. You cannot expect to walk in every time and find 20 new items for super inexpensive prices. If you have the right mindset and work to appreciate the process. It makes the thrill that much better when you find amazing items. I like to go often but only for about 30-60 minutes so that I’m never reaching the point of getting sick of it, any time I go. Also, depending on your thrift store, they might put new items out frequently. So it’s always in your best interest to go often.

Ignore sizes.

This one is so important because sizing is not a universal thing between clothing lines. The standard of sizing within a brand has also changed over the decades, so it’s impossible to know exactly what your size would be. There will most likely be a mix of vintage and current pieces so don’t only go for racks in your size. Some stores are organized by size and some are by color, so it’s important to make sure that you’re looking at everything! I just found a blouse that I am obsessed with and guess what… it’s a size 22W! While I knew it was going to be too big, I had to try it on because I was obsessed with the pattern of the fabric. Fast forward to the fitting room, and after a tie in the front and slight tuck into my high-waisted, tight Levi’s, it became the most ADORABLE over-sized top for super hot days this summer.

Try things on.

Some people get weirded out by trying things on, but I cannot tell you how crucial it is. There are so many pieces that I probably would have bought had I not tried them on because I thought they’d look great when on the hanger. There’s also so many pieces I would have never bought (i.e. that floral size 22W top) had I not been able to put it on and style or tuck it exactly how I’d want to wear it. I obviously wash everything when I bring it home on a deep wash or sterilize washing machine setting, but I think the trying on process is so key to making sure things fit right and you aren’t wasting money. Remember, just because things are inexpensive DOESN’T mean we want to waste our money. A shirt you never wear is still a waste of money, no matter how much you paid for it.

Some of my favorite pieces to get at the Thrift Store:

  1. Blazers

  2. Denim

  3. Button-Down Blouses

  4. Workout Tops

  5. Basics

  6. Skirts

  7. Jackets/Coats

  8. Accessories (Belts, bags, scarves, etc.)

I think this is all I’m going to talk about for now because I want to talk about thrifting on a more regular basis on my blog. I have truly fallen in love with every part of it, so I’m excited to share my finds with you all. I asked on Instagram if you’d like to see monthly thrifting hauls and how I style the items with those I already have and got a very postive response. More than half of you wanted to see them as IGTV episodes, but a good amount of you wanted them as blog posts, so I think I’ll still post on here every time I make a video that corresponds for those of you who just want to read!

If you have any additional tricks for thrifting leave them below! Also tell me your favorite thing you’ve EVER thrifted below.

Have a beautiful day,


Tips for Creating a Solid Skincare Routine

I know that skincare routines can seem tedious and like a waste of time to some people, but the reality is that we only have one face. It’s important to take care of our skin, but your skincare routine should be specific to you. How do you find the motivation to actually develop a routine that works for you? Follow some of these tips and I think they will help you.

Do your routine when you get home for the night.

This is my number one tip. For some reason, we think we have to do it right before we get in bed. If you struggle with feeling too tired to do your skincare at the end of the day, do it when you get home from work and change into your comfy clothes. This will also give you extra time to do treatments; say a face mask while cooking dinner…Doesn’t that sound nice? As long as you won’t be sweating or going out into the sun again, you can do that skincare as soon as you are in for the night.

Create a soothing environment in your bathroom while doing a skincare routine.

If you look at your skincare as an opportunity for self care, your attitude can change about it. It will no longer feel like a chore, but a fun experience. Create an environment that is relaxing and inviting so that you look forward to taking care of your skin. Soothing music, aromatherapy, lighting a nice candle; all of these things can add to the ambiance and make your skincare routine the best 10 minutes of your night.

Organize a special area of your bathroom as your skincare corner.

If your products are organized and easy to access, you’ll be much more likely to use them. I like to keep mine on a special shelf that is only for skincare so that I see them every time I walk into my bathroom, but they still look clean and neat. This way I am always reminded that I need to spend time on my skin.

Do your research, learn to understand your skin, & meet with an esthetician.

I find that we are less likely to do something when we don’t know why we would be doing it. We know we should be cleansing our faces but do we know why and how to properly do it? Take some time to meet with a licensed esthetician who can help you understand what your skin needs. The reality is that our skin can change day to day and the best thing we can do is learn to understand what our skin needs so we can properly treat it at home. Your esthetician is a great resource for this. I offer beauty therapy appointments to help you discover your skin specifically, so email me if you would like more info on this.

Only try one new product at a time.

This one may surprise you, but this is one of my big beliefs that I am always talking about. I firmly believe that we should only introduce one product at a time into our skincare routines. Here’s why…if you have an allergic reaction, you know exactly what caused it. If you don’t like the effects or oppositely, LOVE the effects, you know exactly what caused them. It also helps keep the cost of amping up your skincare routine spread out over a course of time, instead of having to drop a bunch of money at once. I am all about helping you create a great routine for yourself, but I also want it to be realistic and I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.

Let me know what you do to make your skincare a part of your daily life! Comment your tips below.

Have a beautiful day,


The Routines I Use to Minimize My Anxiety

If you've been following me for a while, you probably know that I have anxiety. I’ve had it ever since I was a kid, and share my story on IG and on here every so often. I think talking about mental health on my blog is really important for two main reasons. First, it is very therapeutic for me to process my anxiety and really reflect on it by writing and constructing thoughts that make sense. The second reason is that it shows my readers that if they are dealing with similar situations, they are not alone. I cannot tell you how much it means when I get messages from you telling me how much they understand what I’m going through and how grateful they are for me sharing my story because they can relate to it.

It has been no secret that I have been really struggling with my anxiety in the last two months. It’s probably the worst that it has ever been, but I feel like I’m finally turning the corner. While I know that anxiety is something that I will likely have to deal with for the rest of my life, there are definitely moments of highs and lows. My goal with this post is to share what has helped me in the last few weeks in hopes that it will help even one reader. Even if you already know everything I’m writing, I hope you just recognize that this is something I deal with. I don’t ever, for even one moment, want you to think my life is completely put together and stress-free. I want you to recognize me as a safe space and open person who’s willing to talk to you if you need it.

  1. Find your person to vent to.

    I find that when I’m anxious, I need to word vomit everything out of me, as if to hear out loud what I’m thinking, recognize it as completely irrational and not true, and call it what it is; my anxiety talking. Whether you say it out loud to someone, or you write it out, I think finding someone that is a safe space to say things is important. Knowing that they won’t hold it against you, the thoughts you need to get out in the moment, is a great feeling. For me this person has been my boyfriend, but it can be anyone you feel like you can trust.

  2. Eat a good breakfast.

    What I eat really affects my thoughts when I’m anxious, so I always make sure to not skip breakfast because it starts my day off on the right foot. When I have a good breakfast, I seem to make healthier choices throughout the rest of the day in regards to my diet, and it’s crazy how much what I eat can affect my mood.

  3. Move your body everyday.

    When I hurt my tailbone and had to drop my entire workout regimen, my anxiety skyrocketed. I knew that I needed to rest and let my body heal, but it really messed with my head. You don’t have to have intense workouts every day, but focusing on moving my body every day is really important for me to lessen my anxiety. Now that my injury is healed, I am working out almost every day (some days it’s just a walk though so don’t be intimidated) and it’s the thing that I think is helping me the most to get back on track.

  4. Get more sleep.

    I have been sleeping so well ironically through this time of anxiety and I think it’s because I’m emotionally exhausted at the end of the day. Allowing myself to say, “I’m tired…I need to go to bed early tonight” has been really important in this journey. However, my anxiety seems to strike midday from about 11 am to 5 pm, so I think this also might be why. I usually wake up less anxious and go to bed the same way, but this could be different for you. My point is to really push yourself to get the rest your body needs during this time.

  5. Make a list of happy activities.

    This is something I find really useful for days when I am really struggling. I have a list of activities that make me really happy, that lives in my purse. These are things I can easily do so that if I feel anxiety growing, I can pull the list out, pick an activity and shift my focus somewhere else. My list has things like watch my favorite Netflix show, read a book, call a family member or friend, do yoga, or cook a meal. I typically carry a book with me always because I love escaping into a good story for a moment, but regardless of what your happy activities are, writing them out really helps you in the moment when you can read it.

  6. Re-evaluate your goals.

    In the last few months, I’ve had to reevaluate my goals and decide what’s important in this time when I’m going through some tougher times. It’s ok to say, I don’t have the mental capacity for this right now, and make it a goal for later on. I know it can feel defeating to do this sometimes, but your mental health needs to be a priority and that goal can wait.

  7. Work on setting boundaries.

    This one can be really hard and I am definitely working on it. I’m proud of excusing myself from conversations and just flat out saying no to things that I can’t entertain while I’m working on myself right now. You are allowed to say “I have too much on my plate right now”. You don’t have to explain yourself to people if you don’t want to. Those who love and support you will understand.

Overall, I hope this post helps you feel less alone if you are also dealing with anxiety or any mental health issue. Go follow my Instagram here if you are wanting to read more about my posts on my anxiety. This is a topic that I will continue to talk about and I hope you know how loved and beautiful you are.

Have a beautiful day,


How to Combat Winter Skin Blues

This post goes out to all my readers who are currently suffering through the negative temperatures with me. I heard a stat yesterday that said that today 85% of the US would be at or below freezing temps, so I’m going to guess this will be useful for you no matter where you’re reading from! Winter has certainly arrived in the Midwest and I’m here to give you some tips on how you can give your skin the extra little bit of TLC that it’s probably craving right about now.

Layer on the moisturizer before you leave the house, whether or not you are wearing makeup. I cannot explain how important it is to go out into the cold moisturized. You need the protective barrier as you go in and out of varying temperature extremes to make sure you don’t end up drier.

If you are wearing makeup, try skipping the primer, applying a heavy layer of moisturizer and not waiting for it to completely absorb before blending your foundation in. I know this might sound crazy, but if you are dry, foundation can sometimes accentuate your fine lines, dry patches, and texture. If you have a good thick layer of moisturizer on instead of primer, you can blend your foundation into your skin better and it’s less likely to catch on the texture. The moisturizer I like to use for this and for the previous tip is the Weleda Skin Food. It is amazing for both of these purposes and smells so good!

Even if you’re oily, you need to be moisturizing. Even if you are using a gel cream ( I like this one from Belif), please do not think that because you are oily you can skip the moisturizer, even in the dead of winter. While we may need differing levels of hydration during this time of year, you need to at least be protecting from water loss in your skin.

If you’re worried about clogging your pores from heavier creams, exfoliate and purify first! I love to use my Herbivore Botanicals Blue Tansy mask before hydrating. This way my skin is exfoliated, purified, and calmed before I hydrate it. It also lessens the likelihood that I will break out. After I exfoliate, if I want to do more than just moisturize, I will throw on my Farmacy Honey Potion Mask because it is hydrating, calming, and anti-bacterial. I highly recommend this combo of masks for those of you who are struggling with acne-prone but dry skin right now!

AMP up your Hylauronic acid. Make sure that you are using a hyaluronic acid serum right now. Simply press it into your skin all over your face before you moisturize and it will help you retain water. This is especially important with the dry heat we are experiencing indoors. I really like the one from Trader Joe’s. While I couldn’t find the link for you, there are many cleaner options for you out there.

Hydrate with rose water sprays. I love spraying my face during my routine with rose water spray because it helps drawn in more moisture. These little steps are key in keeping your skin happy during this weather. Just be sure you are doing them in the right order. Click here to read my previous post about a common beauty mistake I see people making online that has to do with rose water sprays. I like this spray from Trader Joe’s and this one from Pacifica.

Consistently exfoliate. Whether it’s daily with a subtle toner or every few days with a mask, it’s vital right now to continue exfoliating so that when we apply our other products, they aren’t being blocked by dead skin cells. You can add the most expensive and effective moisturizer on your skin, but it still will not hydrate dead skin cells. Make the most of your money and be consistent with exfoliating and the rest of your products will be that much more effective. WARNING: do a test patch before you use your normal face masks, even if it is a mask you have used before. Sometimes due to the cold we can be more sensitive than normal. If this is the case, rely on a gentler exfoliating toner instead.

Get that humidifier for you bedroom. If you don’t already have one and experience really dry skin in the winter, you NEED to invest in one for while you are sleeping. I have bought this one from Vicks twice because it’s just a good one. I know you can probably find a higher quality humidifier but here’s my thought process. I’d rather buy one more inexpensively and toss it every few years because of the maintenance it requires. One thing that is vital with humidifiers is making sure you are being proactive with cleaning them. I would use a humidifier cleanser with it every few days and clean it out completely every so often (and then pitch it every other year). With moisture comes a perfect environment for mold so just be aware of that.

I hope this tips help you stay afloat in this nasty Polar Vortex. Stay warm, stay hydrated, and stay moisturized!


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

S.O.S. #5: Common Beauty Mistakes You Need to Know About

I have missed writing my Science of Skincare (S.O.S.) posts, so I’m back today with one that I think everyone needs to read! If you have ideas for future S.O.S. topics you want me to tackle, please leave a comment below or message me with your idea. To see previous S.O.S. posts click here.

In this new world of influencers it can be difficult to distinguish who we can trust to get our information from. My recommendation is to ALWAYS do your research yourself. Even if you’re getting your information from ME! haha You know yourself best. If someone is constantly promoting specific brands but doesn’t seem to know much about the product, etc, be wary of what they are saying and look into the product a little further before you purchase it.

These warnings are what have inspired this post. While I am a complete product junkie at heart, I also have a license in skincare and a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology. I am constantly seeing people promoting products and giving wrong information. Am I perfect? NO WAY! But I am always thinking of what I can do to teach healthier skincare so I want to give tips where I can for those who want to learn!

With that being said, here are some common beauty mistakes that I’ve recently seen on social media that I want to talk about. At the very least, I hope you learn from this how easy it is to spread bad information and to think twice before doing what the internet tells you, (even including this post)!

Mistake #1: You don’t need an SPF during the day if you put on an exfoliating product at night.

I often see people talking about how you should put exfoliating products on at night because if you use them during the day, you need to wear an SPF with them…while technically it’s true that you need an SPF during the day if you apply them, you still need one if you apply it at night! This means if you apply an exfoliating product (i.e. scrubs, toners, chemically exfoliating night mask, etc) you need to wear your SPF for DAYS afterwards, even if you only apply it once. (P.S. that shouldn’t be a big deal though because you wear your daily SPF though….right?! haha). Let’s dive into this a little further.

The reason you use these products at night is because while you are sleeping your body does most of it’s repairative work. So your expensive serums and moisturizers are best to be used at night. We often exfoliate at night before applying these products so that we get better product penetration and max effectiveness.

When you exfoliate your skin you are ridding the top surface of it, from dead skin cells. This means you are exposing fresher, newer cells that haven’t been exposed to the sun. THIS is the reason you need to be wearing your SPF consistently after an exfoliation. It’s not like the exfoliating ingredients are going to magically make you burn if the sun hits them.

If this process doesn’t make sense to you…PLEASE message me and I can explain this further. Sun protection is the NUMBER ONE way to prevent damaging and aging your skin.

Mistake #2: Using a mist a the end of a skincare routine.

I get that mists are a big thing right now, and they can be extremely beneficial for hydration and calming your skin, but if you apply them after moisturizing, you’re wasting the product. Light mists simply cannot penetrate over products with a thicker viscosity. When structuring your skincare routine, you want to use the thinnest products first, and move towards thicker ones, leaving your oils and heavy creams for the end. They will have such a hard time absorbing and won’t give you the skincare benefits you are thinking you are getting.

Mistake #3: Rubbing my face is the best way to apply products.

The way in which you apply a product can often be JUST as important as the product you are applying. Think about how often you do your skincare routine. For most of us, that is twice a day. If you are pulling on your skin twice a day, over time that is going to leave some serious damage to your skin. We already have to do so much to combat aging, why add to it?

Overall you need to be doing more patting and less rubbing when applying, but if you want to know the proper way to apply different types of products, PLEASE read my post “How to Touch Your Face” here. I think this one is really important. When in doubt, always remember to use less pressure and move in an upward and outward direction.

Remember, take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt, ESPECIALLY when it comes to your health. Do your research. Not everything works the same for everyone. But learn to establish good habits for yourself. You owe it to yourself.

Have a beautiful day,


How to Cook More (Part 2)

A little over a year ago, I wrote a post called “How to Cook More” and you guys really loved it. Click here to read that one first and learn the inspiration behind it.

I wanted to write a follow up post because as I’m writing my cookbook, I’m thinking a lot about the topic of how to inspire people to get into their kitchens more. So I’m back with more ways to share with you on how to cook more. As usual, I love when these posts can be the start of a bigger conversation, so be sure to comment below and let me know what really got you into cooking.

Reminder, if you want to get on my cookbook list and be the first to learn all about it, click here.

Start with one-pot recipes.

I often find that the kitchen can be very overwhelming for people and for most of us, the worst part about cooking is all the huge mess we can make. Also the thought of having to manage multiple burners or things in the oven can be stressful. To that I say, start with one-pot meals. Whether it’s an entire cookbook you purchase on one-pot meals, or you search it on Pinterest, getting your feet wet with simple recipes will help you see that you CAN do it. Then once you feel comfortable, you can dive into dishes with a little more complexity and learn new skills.

Clean as you go.

To go off of the last topic, the mess created from cooking a meal can deter you from starting in the first place. So often we create this huge mess and at the end think, '“well that wasn’t worth it'…” and never make the recipe again. Be strict with yourself and anytime you have 3 minutes or so, wash a dish or two that you are no longer using. This way, when the meal is done, all you have to clean is the dishware you ate on and maybe a pot or serving bowl. If you deal with anxiety you may also find cooking less challenging if the environment you are doing it in is tidy and calm.

Start small.

Sometimes when we make goals we are all or nothing. We go all out and eventually get burnt out, so I suggest instead of saying, “I’m going to cook dinner every night this week and no take out'“, challenge yourself to cooking just one or two nights during the week instead. Once you create that habit, you can increase the amount of cooking you do, little by little.

Start by learning how to make your favorite foods.

If learning how to make your favorite foods at home isn’t a source of inspiration, then I don’t know what is! I think we often think that we have to learn how to cook only healthy meals, but if you’re just getting started in the kitchen, learning how to make your favorite foods will help you become confident and really enjoy the experience. I often challenge myself to try tons of recipes for that one meal until I find my favorite.

Invite people over to eat.

Sometimes if we live alone or with our significant other, it can seem like a lot of work to cook for a small amount of people. Invite some friends over and give meaning to the meal you are preparing. Cooking for the people I love is my favorite thing to do and you might find that you really enjoy it too! Maybe vow to yourself that you want to start hosting small dinners for friend’s birthdays or even just because it’s Friday and you made it through another week! Whatever the occasion, sharing the fruits of your labor can be a great source of inspiration for getting in the kitchen to do the work.

If you’re curious what cookbooks I love, click this link and you can see all of my posts relating to cookbooks I have and why I love them (including my Cookbook Gift Guide from December)!

Remember, cooking is a fun way to express your creativity. If you mess up, you can always try again tomorrow!

Have a beautiful day,


How to Touch Your Face

I know the title of this post might seem strange but hear me out. Think about how many times in your life you will remove makeup or do your skincare routine...A LOT right? We read post after post about different products people recommend but have you really ever learned how to use your hands differently depending on what step you're on? If you have, great! I'm proud! ...But if you don't, this post is for you. I'll be sharing my tips on how to correctly touch your face. 

When removing makeup:

This depends on how you remove your makeup. My main concern is with your eyes. When removing eye makeup, always use your ring and middle fingers to follow the shape of your eyelashes and move down and outward away from your tear ducts. Don't EVER move in circular motions rubbing your eyes. You can get product in your eyes that causes unnecessary irritation. If you need to clean up under the lower lash line, always use your ring fingers, as they are the weakest of your fingers and will do the least amount of damage. Instead of rubbing harder, find a good makeup remover that will dissolve makeup easily so you don't have to apply as much pressure to your face. 

When cleansing:

Cleansing is a really important step that you do often so it's important to understand how to do it correctly. You always want to make sure that you are massaging your cleanser in with your ring and middle fingers. You will have plenty of control, but you won't apply as much pressure as you would with your index fingers. Another key part is that you are massaging in small circles in an upward and outward motion. Imagine you were to draw a line down the front of your face. Move in circles, away from this line in an outward and upward direction. When you are cleansing your face, you should not be scrubbing your eyes either. Depending on your cleanser (i.e. if it has AHA's, BHA's, etc) it might not belong anywhere near your eyes. So be sure to remove your eye makeup and rinse your eye area before hand.  

When applying toners:

Toning is a vital step in skincare routines and can be done in a few different ways, and ultimately depends on what step you're on and what type of toner you are using. If you are hydrating your skin with a rose toner for example, I recommend spray toning. Cover your eyes and mist the toner all over your face a couple times. If your toner cannot be sprayed, apply a little to a cotton pad and gently swipe it from the center of your face in a…you guessed it…upward and outward motion! Make sure not to press too firmly or tug at your skin.

When applying serums & moisturizers:

Depending on the product, the texture can vary, but you should use the same method of application unless specified by the product. Put a few drops or one pump in the upper 2/3 of your fingers of one hand. Using your other hand, gently swirl the product around and using your fingers, press into the your facial skin. Do not pull on or rub the skin, but continue the pressing motion all over the face.


Don’t forget that drying off your face when cleansing is equally important. Make sure you are always using a separate towel, different from the hand towel for drying your hands. Bacteria can harbor in hand towels so it’s important to keep the face and hand towels separate. Of course make sure you change them at 1-2 times a week, or more if you are dealing with acne.

Let me know if you found this topic helpful! If you have any tips on how to touch your face when applying products and doing your skincare routine.

Have a beautiful day,


Tips for Practicing REAL Self Care

I realized recently that I haven't shared a topic on here that I talk about a lot in my non-blog life. I am just going to come out and say that I hate the phrase 'Self Care'. It's not so much the term that I hate but the trend that it has become in today's world. Stay with me. I think that taking time to yourself is crucial, but let me explain why I feel this way.

I find that the phrase 'self care' has become a trendy word for procrastination and a gold mine for the marketing of products to us. 'Practice self care and buy this bath deserve it.' I know you've seen these campaigns and messages and frankly it frustrates the crap out of me. Taking a bubble bath is really great but if you have several things that you need to get done that night, a bubble bath can wait until tomorrow. However, if labeled as a 'self care' moment, it's fine to push off your priorities. 

If we are so stressed that we need to take a break and pause for a minute to take a bubble bath, I believe true self care is figuring out what is causing these moments of burning out and readjusting your life so it doesn't keep happening. It's crazy to keep doing the same things and expecting life to get easier if we don't self reflect and make some changes. There are no products that are going to fix the unbalanced life we are living, so today I'm offering you some tips to truly practice REAL self care and dig deeper into the stress of our lives. Use self care to really change your lifestyle so you can set yourself up for success and reduce stress and anxiety. 

Please be sure to comment below with your thoughts on the 'self care' trend and whether you agree or disagree with me.

6 questions to ask yourself to practice REAL self care:

1. What is one area of my house that I can tidy to relieve some anxiety? I am a huge believer in the idea that if your environment is messy, you will feel more anxious. Is there one space that you look at day in and day out, that could be tidier? Spend some time tackling it and I guarantee it will make your home more pleasant. 

2. What is the one thing on my To-Do list that would relieve some stress if I just did it? We all have those things on our lists that are either tedious tasks or simply no fun, but need to get done. Recognize this task as being annoying and just do it. Think about how relieved you will feel when it's done and carry that thought with you through the process to motivate you to complete it.

3. What is one thing that I don't want to think about right now but need to? This could be in many different categories of life. Sometimes we push things off or put them on the back burner because we don't want to think about them, but acknowledging them can take a huge weight off our chests. Debt is a great example of this. If you have no idea how much you owe in student loans, car loans, etc....ADD IT UP! The scariest part is looking at that total number, but once you do it, you can create a plan to get rid of it. 

4. How would I feel if I didn't let these anxious thoughts affect me? Sometimes we need to practice self care because we can't get out of our own heads. Trust me, I'm right there with you. But if we take a moment to think about how we would feel if we didn't let the stress and anxiety affect us, we give the anxiety less power and it's easier to think through it. Really try to think about the actual emotions you could be feeling instead.

5. Who can I call to just listen to me work through this stress and anxiety? Something that is really helpful for me to do is to talk to a close friend about whatever is bothering me. Venting in a sense and getting it all out, can be all we really need to feeling better. Sometimes it's helpful to hear someone say yes this is stressful and it's okay to feel this way. For me however, I like doing this because often it's helpful to have my best friend say what's the worst that could happen. 

6. Do I have a habit that I don't like and what can I do to stop it? Sometimes we don't realize the habits that we have created unless we measure them. I recommend to friends all the time to track what they spend their time doing and what the pros & cons are for each activity. If you don't like the habits you see, work to get rid of them! If it's a pretty big habit, look for support in your community to break it! 

Overall these questions encourage self reflection which I am HUGE on! I talk about it all the time with people because I believe it is so important to make changes when it's necessary and redirect what we are doing on a daily basis. I hope these questions encourage you to practice REAL self care and change your lifestyle for the better instead of supressing it with another bath bomb.  

Have a beautiful day,



10 Summer Skin Care Tips

We've had a season change since I've shared skincare tips so here you go!

1. WEAR YOUR SPF. I just can't write a summer skin care post without mentioning this. So let's do it first to get it over and done with. Just do it. No tan is worth skin cancer. You are just as beautiful with your paler winter skin, as you are in the summer. PROTECT yourself.

2. Apply a Vitamin C serum under your SPF to boost the effects of your SPF...because if you can protect yourself more, why wouldn't you friends?

3. Keep hydrating sheet masks in the fridge for days when you haven't drank as much water, have been out in the sun or salt water, or are just simply overheated. The extra cooling sensation is everything. You'll thank me later!

4. Make sure your skin is getting enough oil. You may notice that in the warmer months your skin gets more oily. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT stop using moisturizer thinking this will fix the problem. You can balance oilier skin, with oil. I know it might seem crazy but stay with me. If you stop moisturizing you can cause your skin to overproduce oil to compensate and then you will become even more oily. Making sure that you have enough oil (mainly at night if you don't want to feel greasy during the day) is vital to helping your skin slow down on it's oil production and feel more balanced. I personally use a facial oil at night and this helps my skin stay balanced. 

5. If you suffer from post inflammatory hyper pigmentation (i.e. dark spots from old, healed blemishes) make sure you are covering them with SPF. They will eventually fade, but it will take much longer if you let them get sun and darken. I was very religious about this when I was getting rid of my scars and they all went away much quicker. 

6. If you're like me, you like to take your exercise into the outdoors in the summer months. Make sure you are washing your face ASAP after every sweat sesh. If you can't make it to a sink, throw some cleansing wipes into your bag to clean and remove any bacteria. 

7. Take advantage of your local farmer's market and buy fresh fruits and veggies. Did you really think I was going to give summer tips without mentioning food? All of the in season fruits and veggies have loads of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that can boost and protect the health of your skin. If you're not following me on Instagram yet, head over there and check it out (@andreafontanabeauty) and follow along every Tuesday as I share "#BeautyFoodTuesdays to teach you about how specific foods can help your skin. 

8. Stick to your routine. I know that with weddings, parties, barbecues and summer patios, it can be easy to get lazy with your skincare routine, but STICK WITH IT. When are skin is looking great, it's easy to get lazy, but I promise you it will be worth it in the long run to be consistent. 

9. Carry a hat in your car or purse at all times. You never know when you could get stuck in the sun for longer than expected and it's always great to have some extra shade on hand.

10. Invest in a SPF setting spray to keep in your purse. Having makeup on is not an excuse for not reapplying SPF. Also even if your foundation has SPF in it, it does not protect you all day. I recommend Coola's Sunscreen Makeup Setting Spray for reapplication throughout your day that won't mess up your makeup, but help it last longer! 

Happy summer time friends! Let me know if you utilized any of these tips or if you have any of your own!

Have a great day,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.