Tips for Creating a Solid Skincare Routine
/I know that skincare routines can seem tedious and like a waste of time to some people, but the reality is that we only have one face. It’s important to take care of our skin, but your skincare routine should be specific to you. How do you find the motivation to actually develop a routine that works for you? Follow some of these tips and I think they will help you.
Do your routine when you get home for the night.
This is my number one tip. For some reason, we think we have to do it right before we get in bed. If you struggle with feeling too tired to do your skincare at the end of the day, do it when you get home from work and change into your comfy clothes. This will also give you extra time to do treatments; say a face mask while cooking dinner…Doesn’t that sound nice? As long as you won’t be sweating or going out into the sun again, you can do that skincare as soon as you are in for the night.
Create a soothing environment in your bathroom while doing a skincare routine.
If you look at your skincare as an opportunity for self care, your attitude can change about it. It will no longer feel like a chore, but a fun experience. Create an environment that is relaxing and inviting so that you look forward to taking care of your skin. Soothing music, aromatherapy, lighting a nice candle; all of these things can add to the ambiance and make your skincare routine the best 10 minutes of your night.
Organize a special area of your bathroom as your skincare corner.
If your products are organized and easy to access, you’ll be much more likely to use them. I like to keep mine on a special shelf that is only for skincare so that I see them every time I walk into my bathroom, but they still look clean and neat. This way I am always reminded that I need to spend time on my skin.
Do your research, learn to understand your skin, & meet with an esthetician.
I find that we are less likely to do something when we don’t know why we would be doing it. We know we should be cleansing our faces but do we know why and how to properly do it? Take some time to meet with a licensed esthetician who can help you understand what your skin needs. The reality is that our skin can change day to day and the best thing we can do is learn to understand what our skin needs so we can properly treat it at home. Your esthetician is a great resource for this. I offer beauty therapy appointments to help you discover your skin specifically, so email me if you would like more info on this.
Only try one new product at a time.
This one may surprise you, but this is one of my big beliefs that I am always talking about. I firmly believe that we should only introduce one product at a time into our skincare routines. Here’s why…if you have an allergic reaction, you know exactly what caused it. If you don’t like the effects or oppositely, LOVE the effects, you know exactly what caused them. It also helps keep the cost of amping up your skincare routine spread out over a course of time, instead of having to drop a bunch of money at once. I am all about helping you create a great routine for yourself, but I also want it to be realistic and I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.
Let me know what you do to make your skincare a part of your daily life! Comment your tips below.
Have a beautiful day,