11 Things With Andrea #5

I’m trying to get better with keeping up with these posts because I know how much you guys love them. So here we are! New year, new 11 Things with Andrea.

  1. Should we start off with a bang? In case you missed it, I paid off my last student loan on Christmas Eve this year and now I am officially DEBT FREE! I can’t believe this moment is finally here after years of hard work and dedication. Let me know if you want me to write more about my debt free journey.

  2. I have officially joined the #PASHFAM and become obsessed with my Passion Planner. I have no idea how I’ve survived this long without one. Special thanks to my best friend Margaret (@edgewoodplace) who convinced me to take the plunge. This is the best planner I have ever purchased and it works so well for my brain.

  3. Coming off of working so hard to be debt free, I wanted to make sure I didn’t treat myself too much in January, so this month I’m doing a No Buy. This means, no extras but the necessities for the whole month of January. I figured this would help me transition into life where I’m not putting more than a third of my income towards debt!

  4. About a week ago I purchased the new iPhone 11 Pro Max and I’m so happy with it so far! The picture quality is amazing and I’m excited to experiment with it as I continue to create new content for you this year!

  5. I received Alison Roman’s cookbook, Nothing Fancy, for Christmas and I’m already obsessed! The few recipes I’ve tried so far have been amazing and I’m excited to keep diving into more. If you like to feed your friends and family with cozy and easy meals that feel special, check it out!

  6. Speaking of cookbooks…I’m still trekking along on my own cookbook journey. Still working on recipe testing which takes a lot longer than you would imagine.

  7. For the first time in maybe ever, I feel like my two weeks off for the holidays was actually two weeks. I got rest, did puzzles, read books, took many naps, cooked and ate delicious food, and really relaxed. I think it also helps when you have created a life that you like getting back to. While it was nice to have a break, I’m so happy to be back to planning 2020 and amping things up for what this year has in store for AFB.

  8. I have a secret project coming for Galentine’s Day that I CANNOT wait to share with you! Stay tuned, but your hint is that it will be located in the SHOP tab…haha

  9. January was really hard for me last year. I think I even wrote a post about it? January is not usually my best month but this year feels so much better than years past! I think it has a lot do with being medicated for my anxiety and feeling like I have a stable but flexible plan for the month.

  10. I’m already more than half booked for 2020 and I cannot believe it! If you or someone you know is getting married and needs a makeup artist, send them my way or email me ASAP (andreafontanabeauty@gmail.com). I don’t want you to miss out!

  11. Mikey’s birthday is at the end of this month and I cannot wait to make his annual birthday cake. Every year I pick a theme based on something he loves. Previous years included the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Death Star, and Harry Potter. This year I’m thinking the West Wing? Stay tuned to my IG for that as well because you KNOW I’ll be sharing that labor of love when it’s done.

What’s going on in your life right now? Let me know in a comment below. I hope you feel rested and ready to start off the new DECADE on a strong note. I believe in you and I’m grateful every day for your support.

Have a great week,


Books I've Read Recently #5

I’m not going to lie. This book post is kind of sad. Not because of the books, I loved the books! More so because I just haven’t been reading like I normally do the past few months. I’ll explain more later as you read because I’m 100% blaming it on a book I was reading… (Click the book titles for links to the books)


I can’t believe I had never read this one yet. I watched the movie years ago, but couldn’t really remember the story. I spotted it at the library one morning and decided now was the time. It’s a quick read and an interesting one. I feel like it’s one of those that everyone just has to read because it’s such a classic. Now I want to watch the movie again.


I absolutely adored this book. Apparently the PBS show that is based on these books (this is the first of a few) is really great too, so I’m excited to add that to my list. I loved hearing all the different stories about being a midwife in the Post-War East End of England. I was actually surprised how advanced they were with childbirth and everything they did at people’s homes. I will probably end up reading the rest of the series later on. If you are interested in childbirth, science, or just love this time period (I’m all of the above haha) I would definitely recommend this one.

BIG LITTLE LIES (By Liane Moriarty):

This was another one that I couldn’t believe I hadn’t read yet. I will say it was a little predictable. I totally called what was going to happen, I just didn’t know it was going to go down the way it did. I’m a big believer in reading the book before the movies/tv shows so you bet I haven’t seen the HBO series yet. I am also terrible at watching TV shows unless Mikey is encouraging it, so I want to get to this one eventually too. I really loved the book and it was a quick read. Great if you need a vacation read this summer!

THEN SHE WAS GONE (By Lisa Jewell):

This is another that would make for a great vacation read. I think I read it in two days because I was so sucked into it. This was a book chosen for my book club and I loved it. I don’t know if I would have ever come across it otherwise, because I’d never heard of it. It’s another thriller that will keep you guessing. I love when a book surprises me with a story line and this was definitely one of those!


One of my best friends (Thanks Margie!) recommended I read this one when I met up with her last summer in Chicago and I was happy to finally snag a copy from the library to read. I absolutely LOVED this one. It’s kind of hard to get through at some parts, but keep going. It’s definitely one of those that you have to read frequently so that the names and facts stay fresh in your mind, but I learned so much about the history of Chicago, the Ferris Wheel and the huge fair. It was written really well. I have another Erik Larson book on my shelf that I’m excited to read now because I love his writing. The only thing that made me sad was that I wished that the two main stories (one about the fair and the other about the murderer), intertwined a little more. It felt like a lot of buildup, but then the stories didn’t mix as much as I assumed they would. If you like history and love Chicago, this is a must read.


Another one that I read super quickly because I was so sucked into it. This one reminded me so much of ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. Not because of the story line, but the way it’s written and some of the characters and such made me think of it. I was so excited to hear that it will be becoming a movie because I think it’s going to be great.

THE SHAPE OF WATER (By Guillermo del Toro):

This is the book that ruined me the last few months. I renewed it from the library three times before finally giving up. I just couldn’t get through it. I HATE not finishing books because I’m always hopeful they will turn around, but I was so uninterested in this one that it made me not want to read. I finally told myself to return it and move on to something I was excited to dive into. It probably didn’t help that I had a lot of people telling me that they hated the movie, so it didn’t give me much hope that things would turn around. I doubt I’ll ever watch the movie or pick the book back up at a later time.

ANIMALS (By Emma Jane Unsworth):

This was another book club book and I have to say it was my least favorite that we’ve read so far. The summary on GoodReads seemed so good, so I’m surprised that I didn’t enjoy it that much. The book wasn’t that long and it took forever for anything to start happening which frustrated me. I will say though, it ended better than I thought it would and I didn’t predict it, which is a huge determining factor in if I love a book. However, I’d say this one is a skip.

What have you been reading so far this summer? Let me know in the comments below and happy summer reading!!

Have a beautiful day,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

Five Minute Miracle Shower

Friends. I’m about to change your life. This is a routine I started doing a while ago because I don’t always feel like dealing with a bath and sometimes don’t have the time. I find that as I age, I am trying to create small routines that can center, ground, and relax me in a short amount of time. Enter the five minute miracle shower. This is perfect if you don’t have a bathtub, don’t like baths, or simply don’t have the time! I personally like to do these miracle showers on days when I’m not washing my hair because my showers are really short and this doesn’t add in a lot of time. This is extra amazing if you are a night shower-er and can use it to calm down before bed!

Follow these steps and I guarantee you will get out feeling calmer and more centered:

  1. Turn off the lights.

    No candles. No lights. If you have a window this may be a little difficult if you don’t have curtains but try to make the room as dark as possible. I like to crack my bathroom door so I have the smallest amount of hallway light coming through. If you want to turn on some spa music, white noise, waves, etc…feel free!

  2. Get in and sit on the shower floor.

    However is comfortable works, just make sure you are facing away from the water. I like to adjust the shower head and position myself so that the water is hitting my neck and trickling onto my back.

  3. Take 3-5 deep breaths.

    I’m talking the best deep breaths you’ve ever taken. Work on focusing your breathing and breathe a little deeper with each one.

  4. Facial Massage (30 secs to 1 min)

    Make sure your face is a little damp and using your ring and middle fingers, move in slow circles starting at the center of your chin and moving upward and outward across your jawline. Once you reach your ears, move back to the center of your face just above where you started the previous line of circles. Move outward and upward again slowly, repeating this process until you reach your forehead.

  5. Pressure Points (30 secs to 1 min)

    Using your same ring and middle fingers, make even smaller circles, applying pressure to your temples, starting of your brows (orbital bone), and under your cheek bones right where you would contour. Don’t actually lift your fingers off your face while making the circular motion.

  6. Back (1 min)

    Lean forward slowly letting the water massage hit your entire back. Once you reach the lower back slowly lean back into your initial sitting position.

  7. Neck circles (1 min)

    Slowly circle your neck a few times in a circle, letting the water pressure hit your head and massage your scalp. Do the same amount in the opposite direction.

  8. Take 3-5 deep breaths.

    Try to take even slower deep breaths than the beginning and repeat this whole process if you have more time and need more calming.

Remember, this was a practice I invented myself that was born out of what feels good. If you find that something feels good add it to your routine. Leave me a comment below if you try this and let me know what you think!

Have a calm and centered night,


Five Ways To Use a Facial Roller

Tools are a great way to give your skincare routine a boost. If you have any interest in skincare you most likely have seen the recent trend of facial rollers. They are usually green (jade) or pink (rose quartz) and can be a really great way to jazz up your skincare routine for multiple reasons. (The rollers I am talking about are not to be confused with the larger ice rollers, that are not quite as multi-use as facial rollers). If you’re curious which facial roller I have, click here to shop it on Amazon.

Facial rollers can be a great addition for a few reasons. They can:
-increase circulation
-de-puff and soothe
-help with lymph drainage
-increase product penetration
-create a relaxing ritual into your routine

If you haven’t hopped on the band wagon yet, hopefully this post will help you decide if it is worth it for you to get one for yourself.

Regardless of how you are specifically using the facial roller, ALWAYS remember to move in upward and outward motions only. I know it can be tempting to roll it back and forth but you never want to move down and inward on your face, especially when applying the pressure of a tool.

I give you five ways to incorporate a facial roller into your life:

  1. With a hydrating mask:

    When doing an at home facial, I recommend doing a exfoliating mask first (called a refinement mask in spa world) and following up with a treatment mask to target your specific skin needs that day. If you are using a hydration mask for your treatment mask that follows the pretty standard, apply and let sit for a bit and then wash off (i.e. not a peel off mask) then I would recommend using a facial roller to help your mask penetrate deeper into your skin.

  2. Over a sheet mask:

    This one can be a great way to help the serums of the sheet mask, really penetrate into the skin. I know it’s pretty self explanatory, but I added it to the list because I don’t know how many of us would actually think to use it in this situation.

  3. While I’m watching a movie to relax and unwind:

    My FAVORITE thing about a facial roller is how it adds such a relaxing element to my skincare. I love to use it during a movie because first off, it helps me stay awake…haha. Secondly, it gives me a larger chunk of time to actually focus on my skin.

  4. To depuff my eyes from allergies:

    I recommend getting one the facial rollers that is double ended because the smaller end is perfect for around the eyes. I love putting my roller in the freezer or fridge to get super cold. Then if you wake up with allergy eyes one morning, you can use the little sit to roll and depuff that eye area.

  5. To help my moisturizer penetrate better:

    This is probably the most obvious one, but it’s always a good idea to use your facial roller at night at the end of your skincare routine, once you’ve applied your night moisturizer or facial oil. It will help boost circulation and increase product penetration.

Do you use a facial roller in your skincare routine? What is your favorite way to use it? Leave me a comment below and let me know! Are there any other beauty tools you want me to test out?

Have a beautiful day,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

Dre Does a Breathing Exercise

If you're like me you lead a pretty busy and fast paced life that can lead to crazy amounts of stress. Now sometimes we can sit down and take a look at everything we are doing to reduce the amount of stress we feel but more times than none, stress is unavoidable. For this reason, we need to focus our attention on managing the stress. Which brings me to today's post. Breathing exercises are one of the quickest ways to change our energy, anxiety, and stress level. Taking a few moments to calm ourselves and focus our attention differently can help you manage the stress you are feeling and turn your energy into something more productive. 

This leads me to today's post. I personally struggle with being able to turn my brain off when it's time for bed or focusing on something else. Even if I'm tired, my brain doesn't like to stop going over what needs to get done, what bills need to be paid, etc...so I can easily give myself way more anxiety than is necessary. 

If you find yourself having a similar problem I think you'll love this breathing technique I learned in school. You can either do it sitting in a chair or laying in bed. All you do is place your thumb and ring finger on each of your nostrils. This leaves your middle and index fingers to be placed in between your brows. Now use your ring finger to close one nostril and inhale deeply through only the nostril under your thumb. Before you exhale open the ring finger nostril and close the nostril under your thumb and exhale through the ring finger nostril. Now inhale again without changing anything, and before you exhale close the ring finger nostril and open the thumb nostril. Take about slow and deep 10 breaths this way, alternating which nostrils you leave open and closed. Depending on your lung strength you may need to start with only a few breaths so you don't get light headed, but you can work up to more breaths with time. 

This breathing technique is amazing for us overthinkers because it forces us to concentrate on opening and closing our nostrils (which sounds silly when written...haha) instead of worrying about tasks and problems. I love to do it before bed to relax myself, but if I ever find myself overthinking something during the day I'll take a 5 minute break and focus on my breathing.

Let me know if you try this and what you think about it! I'd like to start incorporating more stress management techniques into my blog so leave me a comment below if you like this idea or have any of your own! 

Have a beautiful and stress-free day,
