Sustainable Swap Goals for 2020

I mentioned in my IG stories, that this year one of my 2020 goals was to make sustainable swaps for everyday items throughout the year. (Click here for the list of my 2020 goals) In order to make this a goal that was easier tracked, I decided to make one swap each month in order to make it easier on my budget and more realistic. Enter my IG story that asked you guys for ideas on what swaps I should do!

You were so helpful and interested in this topic that I decided to make a blog post about it, sharing which items I’ve decided to tackle each. Stay tuned throughout the year because I will most likely share the items that I’ve purchased in order to make these swaps.

January: Last month, I ordered bamboo cotton rounds to replace the disposable cotton rounds I was constantly buying. I ordered them here and love them! They are much larger than a traditional disposable cotton round and great for removing makeup or using toner. I also love that this set of 20 came with a little bag to put them all in so it’s easier to keep track of them when you wash them in the washing machine!

February: This month, I focused on my gym bag since I shower there more during than week than I do at home and travel products can often involve A LOT of plastic. I purchased shampoo/conditioner and soap bars from a local small business that don’t come with any plastic packaging. When trying to come up with a way to carry them, I knew I didn’t want to purchase a travel soap container and wanted to get creative. I decided to use a Stasher bag that I already owned that I accidentally cut with a knife. haha yeah, DON’T do that. Don’t cut on your Stasher bag because you will get mad. However, I’m glad I kept it and was able to re-purpose it for this reason. This month, I also swapped the plastic bottle of hand soap in the bathroom at Mikey’s house for bar soap because it’s one less thing that will require re-purchasing product with plastic packaging.

The rest of the months goals look like the following:

March: Reusable produce bags for grocery shopping

April: Beeswax wraps to replace saran wrap

May: Bar mops/rags for cleaning counter tops to replace paper towel use

June: Trying to incorporate more bulk foods shopping so I am buying less products that normally come in plastic packaging for convenience’s sake

July: Dryer balls to replace dryer sheets.

August: A silicone straw for my keys so that I can use it when out of the house (I already have glass straws for home use)

September: Toothpaste tabs to replace traditional plastic tubes of toothpaste

October: Purchasing silicone bowl covers in place of saran wrap for items that need a tight seal.

November: Purchasing more stasher bags because they are expensive.

December: Still deciding on this one. It’s most likely going to be wrapping all holiday presents using only recycled materials unless I find a sustainable swap that I need to add. Most likely in that case however, it would be in addition to wrapping presents sustainably!

Have you made any of these swaps yourself? What am I missing? Comment below if you have anything to add or any ideas for me to try! Thank you to all of you who shared tips and ideas on Instagram!

Have a wonderful day,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty. 

Dre Does a DIY: Recycling Candle Jars

If you're like me, you're probably stuck in this never ending winter cold. To keep your spirits up, you're probably burning a million candles in all sorts of spring related scents to help you remember that things such as flowers and fruits that require the sun do in fact still exist despite the desolate tundra outside. 

So what do you do with the plethora of used up candle jars once the yumminess of peach, lemon, and lilac is burned away? Find a new use for them of course! I'm going to explain how to remove the left over wax and such, and give you some ideas for using them in beauty related ways!

So what do you need? Used up candles, a sharp pointy knife, a freezer, soap and warm water, and whatever you're going to fill your new jars with!

1. First you have to freeze the old candles. At least an hour works, but I honestly just throw a bunch in and leave them over night, so they're good and frozen!
2. Once frozen, take a sharp knife and just press the pointy tip into the wax trying the crack it all the way to the bottom. Then you should be able to shake out all the broken pieces. 
3. If there's any leftover pieces you can pull them out with your fingers. Then pull out the little wicks that are glued to the bottom of the jars. If you can't get them out don't worry. Just move on to the next step of soaking.
4. Depending on the candle, you might be able to get away with running the glass jar under some hot water and the label could peel right off. If not, soaking it in hot soapy water for a little bit should loosen the glue. Now use the soap and water to wash the glass really well and remove all sticky residues.
5. That's it! Time to fill 'er up! 

Here's some ideas for you on how I like to fill mine up: 

Cotton rounds and Q-Tips by my bathroom sink

Makeup brushes on my vanity (it's good to have multiples for clean and dirty brushes or separating eye and face brushes)

Any makeup products that are better stored standing upright (should I be embarrassed to say these are just my lip stains and lip crayons...?)

Current favorite nail polishes or colors that inspire you for the current season

While these are just some of my favorites you can also use them to store bobby pins, hair ties, jewelry, tea bags, pens or other writing things, post it notes, random do-dads like safety pins or extra buttons, important little trinkets, beauty and perfume samples, etc...the list goes on and on!

The jars you get don't have to be plain either. Sometimes I find clearances candles that are in beautiful decorative jars. Even if I don't really love the scent, I'll still buy them with the intent of burning them up and using them later on for decorative purposes! 

As much as I love my candles, here's to hoping that we experience the scent of real flowers and plants soon!! :) If you do this let me know what you plan on using your old candle jars for! 

Have a beautiful day,
