Gigi Hadid Jetsetter Palette First Impression and Test

Let me start off by wishing you a Happy Holiday! I've created another video on YouTube for you guys sharing the Gigi Hadid for Maybelline Jetsetter Palette. I'm super excited to bring you another video because I'm loving the format of making them. What are you guys thinking of it? I feel like there's certain things I can show you in a video that I just can't get across in a blog post. I of course will always give extra feedback in these corresponding posts but watch the video first below to see my thoughts on the application and wear of this palette. Good news, as of this moment when I'm writing this post, the palette is on sale for $17.99 at Ulta! Watch below to see if I think you should pick it up...or skip to the bottom and read what grade I give it!

Thoughts on the Jetsetter Palette: 
I really did enjoy using this palette and think it will be one that I reach for a lot. For me, this will be something I throw in my gym bag and use on days when I want an easy and quick makeup look. Will I reach for it when I want full glam? Probably not, but that's ok! 

As far as the individual products in the palette, my favorite by far is that highlighter. I think it's beautiful and if Maybelline sold it on it's own, I would for sure buy it. Other favorites were the blush and bronzer, and the eyeshadows. I definitely don't like the lip colors as you saw above, and the concealers were good enough for a quick makeup day. If I needed my makeup to last for a long amount of time I would probably bring another one with me to use instead. The mini mascara was one I already know and love so that's a good thing, but as mentioned in the video, I wish they had included one of the ones in the Gigi Hadid line because I had heard good things about them.

Overall, I give this palette an 8 out of 10. I think the price is nice, I like majority of the products and definitely think I will get good use out of the palette over time! 

Have you tried anything from this collaboration line with Gigi? Leave a comment below letting me know how you like this style of review? 

Have a Happy Holiday season with your families and loved ones!!!

Andrea Fontana

Dre Does a Colour Pop Cosmetics First Impression

Chances are that if you keep up with the social media beauty world you've at least heard of Colour Pop Cosmetics and maybe even own a few products. I kept seeing the brand popping up on Instagram and after talking with a client while working for Benefit (Hi Michelle!) I decided I needed to browse the website more in hopes of buying a few of my own products.

Let me set up the scene for you later that night. My friend and I whom are both makeup addicts, open a bottle of wine and begin discussing recent new product launches. I mention that a client had earlier talked about how much she was obsessed with her recent Colour Pop purchases and after a quick refill of the wine glass and browsing of the iPad, I had my own Colour Pop order on it's way to me.

Warning: Drinking and browsing makeup is dangerous. Whoops...

Fast forward to 2 weeks later, and I had a pretty little box in my mail. I will say, it took FOREVER to get here. I placed my order, was told it shipped a few days later and after receiving a tracking number, my package mysteriously stopped updating. It was supposed to get to my place on a certain date and when that day came and went, I was getting worried. I was warned from my client that their shipping takes a long time so I'm not sure if this was a delivery service issue or a Colour Pop Cosmetics error, but it took over 2 weeks to get my products. I don't mind this as long as they update the information so I don't think my package has been lost.

Regardless, I received my package and I have been so happy. I only purchased the Super Shock Shadows because they were the thing I was most intrigued by and only 5 DOLLARS A SHADOW!! However, now that I am so happy with them I can see myself trying other items as well.

The reason that these Super Shock Shadows are so unique is the texture and formula of the product. It is unlike any product I have ever felt. It's as if the shadows are a cream, mousse, and powder hybrid. They don't feel wet at all like a cream, yet blend so effortlessly. The only thing I was worried about with them was creasing. I was not expecting them to stay put since they blended so easily. Boy was I wrong though! They lasted all day and are so easy to work it. I love how the company sends a few info cards on how to best apply the product depending on the result you want. I used both my fingers and synthetic brushes as recommended by the info cards and was really happy with the result!

As you can see below I stuck with my usual warm neutrals because when I'm testing out a new type of product I like to stick to shades I know I will use so that I will actually test them out a lot.

 Truth (Satin Finish):
I <3 This (Metallic Finish):
Desert (Satin Finish):
Amaze (Metallic Finish):
LA LA (Ultra Metallic Finish):
Girl Crush (Matte Finish):
Game Face (Ultra Metallic Finish):
Mittens (Matte Finish):

(None of these swatching pictures having any filters in order to show the truest shade of the shadows).

I will say that I love the satin, matte, and ultra metallic finishes best. The metallic finish is less pigment and more glitter as you can see in the swatches, but the ultra metallic looks more like a foil and is very pigmented. Overall, I can see myself using every color I got frequently and would recommend them all!

Have you tried anything from Colour Pop Cosmetics yet? I'm looking to purchase the new blushes and highlighters soon, and obviously some lip products because who would I be if I didn't! haha 

Have a beautiful day,
