Dre Does Bloglovin'

Chances are if you like reading my blog, you like reading other blogs too! Just incase you haven't heard about Bloglovin' I want to share it with you. It's an amazing website and app for staying up to date with all of your favorite blogposts and keeping track of the posts you like most! 

It's as easy as signing up for an account and then searching your favorite blogs and following them. Ever since I bought my iPad I've been obsessed with the app because it is so convenient but I like it on my iPhone too. Just like how you have a news feed with Facebook, all the new posts that you haven't read yet show up in your main feed. I really love the 'like' feature also because you can favorite all the posts you want to come back to later and no matter which blog they are from, they show up in one spot! Another feature I really enjoy too is that everyone has profile so you can see what blogs your friends or even your favorite blogger are following. You can even browse popular blogs from different categories. 

As you probably guessed it, my blog is on Bloglovin' so look to the right column now and click Follow my blog on Bloglovin' if you'd like to! I also created a Facebook page for my blog at www.facebook.com/dredoesblog so like that if you would like to stay up to date! I will probably write on there the most regarding updates, questions, and ideas! 

Lastly, I've said this a lot lately but I feel like I can't say it enough. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support sent my way. 

Have a beautiful day,
