11 Things With Andrea

This is by no means my idea. I admit to have stolen this from one of my favorite blogs to read "The Middle Edit”. I absolutely love Allison and Shannon and if you don’t follow their blog and IG, you NEED to! They are what I’d consider a true lifestyle blog because they cover everything from health & fitness, to money, food, & more! Every month they share 11 things that are currently going on in their lives and I love this idea, because it allows you to learn a little bit more about them and read about certain topics that might not need a whole blog post devoted to them! So here I am stealing this idea from them because I LOVE it!

11 Things with Andrea:

  1. I recently got back into running after a 6 week break due to a really bad tailbone injury. I was so scared to get back on the treadmill because I didn’t want to face all of the progress I’ve lost, but I’m happy to say I wasn’t as slow as I thought I’d be. It felt like a ripping off a huge Band-aid, but I’m so happy to have had that first run and be back on track. If there’s something in your life that you need to rip the band-aid off for, DO IT! It’s scary, but worth it.

  2. I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety in my day to day life and I’m working on making some changes and getting back into my routine. I’ll keep you updated on how things go, but let me know if you want to see a post devoted to this.

  3. I don’t normally read crime books but this month’s book club pick is in this genre and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it. I don’t think I’ll be reading too many in this category at once, because they still spook me a little bit, but it’s nice to be reminded to switch things up and get out of your comfort zone with even things like reading!

  4. Today’s my dad’s birthday and I’m feeling really grateful to have such a source of support and inspiration in my life. He’s always one phone call away and never misses a moment to teach me something useful. My blog and business wouldn’t be anywhere near where they are today without him.

  5. Bridal season is booking up! I am over halfway booked for the year, so if you or something you know needs a bridal makeup artist, make sure you contact me ASAP to get on my books!

  6. I watched ‘You’ on Netflix, but never really gave an update as to what I thought about it. I think I’m in a small category of people that didn’t end up liking it. I think they went too far with it and I just felt icky when I’d finish an episode. I just ended up feeling like I could have been doing something more enjoyable with my time, so I don’t think I’ll end up watching the second season.

  7. I’m getting a massage at the end of the month and I’m so excited for it. If you don’t know, I really struggle with relaxation and learning when to stop and take care of myself. I’m excited to incorporate this into my life every other month or so.

  8. Did you know my name is actually pronounced, ON-DRAY-UH? Don’t fret if you’ve called me 'ANN-DREE-UH’, I really don’t care. Haha, I just find a lot of people don’t know how it’s pronounced so I figured I’d teach you.

  9. I’m co-hosting an event in Jackson, MI on the evening of February 25th that I’m super excited about. I am in a monthly women’s mastermind group that I adore and this event is going to be a little taste into what we do and how to cultivate a community of entrepreneurs in your life that you can look to for support and guidance. If you or someone you know is a female entrepreneur in the Jackson or Lansing, MI areas, PLEASE visit this link to learn more and join us!

  10. I’m thinking about learning to make my own sourdough bread, starter and all because it seems to be the only gluten I can tolerate. Any amazing bread makers out there reading this and know a great recipe or cookbook to reference? Let me know!

  11. I know I kind of bashed the idea of goal setting for January but I decided I do have one change I want to make for 2019 (Thanks to Chelsea for asking this question in my IG stories post). I decided that this year I’m only going to say yes to things that ripple down positively into multiple areas of my life. If something can benefit more than just one category ( i.e. my business, my mental health, my physical health, my relationships, etc…) then it is worth my time. If something only strengthens one area but takes a lot of work, it’s not worth my time. This is all about my journey to finding a healthy work/life balance that works well for me.

What do you guys think about this kind of update? I like it so much and I hope you did to. Thanks again to Allison and Shannon for creating this fun way for me to brain dump the things I want to tell you, neatly in one post that makes more sense! Seriously check them out if you haven’t already!

Have a great day,
