10 Random Skincare Tips

You guys really seem to like when I compile lists of tips or recommendations so I thought I'd compile a little list of 10 tips relating to skincare. Look for one on makeup coming next! 

1. Stand away from the shower head. If you don't already face away from it, get into the habit of letting the water hit your backside, not your front side because hot water hitting your face increases dryness. 

2. Multi-Mask. Rarely does our entire face need the exact same treatments. You can be breaking out in one area, but super dry another! Don't be afraid to use different masks on different areas to achieve what all of your skin needs. 

3. Frozen spoons. If you deal with puffy under eyes due to allergies (hello spring) keep 2 metal spoons at all times in your freezer. Then when you wake up with swollen eyes, you can use the curve of the spoon to fit nicely into the curve of your eye socket to de-puff! This is one of my faves.

4. KEEP THESE ON HAND ALWAYS. I've talked about these before in a favorites video, but you never know when you're going to wake up with a blemish. Once it starts coming to a head, pop of these babies on it before bed (and before you put your moisturizer on so it sticks better) and it will help draw out the impurities and infection while you are sleeping. I cannot tell you enough how quickly these help me heal big blemishes.

5. Press don't pull. When it comes to applying your products, like serums & moisturizer, don't rub it into your skin. Instead, warm up the product in your fingers and press it into your skin all over. This allows you to apply your products without tugging on your skin and doing damage over time.

6. Pay attention to expiration times and write it on your product. Beauty products don't usually have an exact expiration date, but they often have a 12M, 24M, etc, logo on the bottom or back that shows in how many months you should stop using the product. It's too hard to remember dates for every product, so I recommend getting a sharpie and either dating when you opened it, or when it's time to pitch it. 

7. Before you take product recommendations from someone, ask what their skin type is. It is pointless to buy your best friend's FAVORITE new moisturizer if they have dry skin and you are really oily. It's important to know what their skin is like before buying skincare or facial makeup products that work for them. Unfortunately not everything works for everyone so be sure that the product is ideal for your skin type first!

8. Give your skin a break. If you wear makeup on a regular basis, give your skin a break by going makeup free one or two days a week! I cannot tell you how nice it will feel to let your skin breathe. While makeup is fun, it's important to embrace the natural beauty of your naked face.

9. Keep a variety of products on hand. While it's good to have a set routine for your skin, it's important to know and accept that your skin won't need the same thing every single day. Having products (like different moisturizers for different levels of hydration for example) on hand, will allow you to always be ready to treat your skin with what it needs that day. 

10. Invest in good quality. I cannot recommend this enough. It's probably something you've heard a million times but I cannot stress enough how important it is to spend your money first on your skincare, before makeup. Quality products usually last longer as well because you use less product. However, not all products have a justified price tag, so be sure to ask a professional (like me!) before purchasing if a product seems really expensive. 

I hope you enjoyed this fun little list of tips! If you have any good skincare tips be sure to comment below and leave your favorites! Tips are always fun to learn.

Have a beautiful day,
