Refreshed for 2019

I wasn’t going to write anything about the new year because I’m sure by now you’re inundated with information on how to start the new year off on the right foot. However, I’ve taken a little time off this holiday season and it doesn’t seem quite right to jump into 2019 without a little post on what the new year looks like to me.

I only want to give one piece of advice this January as you set your goals and decide what you’d like 2019 to look like for you:

Goals are nothing and completely pointless if you do not know what works best for you.

So do yourself a favor before you start mapping things out. Make a list of the ways you learn best and work the hardest.

For me, I’m extremely visual. I need a hard copy of a planner and separate areas for work, personal goals, financial goals, etc. I need to create goals monthly and look at them every single day. I wholeheartedly believe that I have been successful in my debt journey because every week I update my current debt in my planner and look at it every. single. day.

We all do things differently and that’s ok! While all of these lists and ideas that people are writing for you are helpful, nothing will work if you do not know yourself. So I encourage you this January, to listen to yourself and be realistic. Ease yourself gently into the new year.

Developing the relationship you have with yourself and being honest is the best thing you can do!

I hope you have the best start to 2019. I’ll probably be back at the end of the month with personal updates on how I started the year off, so look for that and remember not to put too much pressure on yourself!

Have a beautiful day,
