Huge Announcement

Dear family, friends, clients, readers, and all,

I'm here to share my very exciting announcement I mentioned in my last post. After much consideration I have decided to step down as Spa Director and Lead Esthetician at Remedi Spa & Wellness and pursue this; Andrea Fontana Beauty! While I will miss seeing all of my people on a regular basis I am so excited for what is to come. So let me explain what brought me here to this decision and what I will be doing. 


Let me start off by saying Thank you to everyone reading this who might have been a guest of mine. It truly is an honor to make you feel beautiful. Don't worry though, our fun doesn't have to stop!

While I have always treasured the creativity that the world of cosmetics and esthetics has given to me, I have found myself struggling with the superficiality that can come along with it. I have two little nieces looking up to me and I have to be careful with the example I am setting for them. The only way for me to grow as a service provider is to sell more services and products which is not where my heart is. I've realized that I needed to focus more on making women feel amazing on the inside and out and eliminate the pressure of selling things to women. I needed to own my own business so that I could create whatever I wanted. No brand to represent but my own. Unfortunately as a spa director my plate had become too full and I found myself not being able to give 100% to my guests and it ultimately started to make me feel uncomfortable. I realized how many women came to me for advice, recommendations and even just to open up to about whatever was going on in their world, and that I needed to put them first and spend more time educating and helping them. 

To be honest this idea was born out of conversations with so many of you. So many times I'd hear "I wish you could come to my house and teach me this..." Or "I love the blog post where you shared this..." And so much more! The truth was that I just didn't have enough time in my day to continue at the pace I was, while still taking care of my people. I was brain storming how I could shift my focus to helping more women, when it dawned on me. If I owned my own beauty business I could help women in whatever capacity I wanted, while having complete creative control to create whatever I wanted! If there's anything I treasure most about my career it is the relationships I form with women on a daily basis. Helping you feel beautiful and confident, educating you about your skin, and helping you learn new techniques is truly what drives me. 

Now for the fun part! What will I be doing? The possibilities are honestly endless! Here is a list of some exciting things to come, but know that this business is for you! If you have ideas of what you'd like to see me do, do not hesitate to send me them!

1. Freelance makeup for weddings, special events, and more: this one is a no brainer because I've been doing weddings for 4 years now! One of my absolute favorite things about being a makeup artist is making a woman feel beautiful on her wedding day. It is truly an honor. I am booking for 2018 now, so please let me know if you or someone you know wants more info on wedding or special event pricing!

2. This blog: I will finally be putting so much energy into this creative space. I love trying new products, teaching new techniques and educating you on skincare topics and I will finally be able to commit to being consistent here and growing my blog. 

3. Parties: I love teaching the everyday woman techniques on how to feel confident in doing her own makeup on a daily basis. So gather your friends, open some bottles of wine, and let's get to playing with makeup! I want to create a fun environment for you to ask questions and learn techniques!

4. Consulting with skincare and makeup: have no idea where to start when it comes to developing a makeup or skincare routine? No fear! I will come to your house and help you figure it out! Need helping finding a new shade of lipstick but feel overwhelmed the second you step into Ulta? No fear! I'll meet you there and we'll figure it out together! 

Incase you haven't noticed a theme, I want you to feel like you are paying for my honest opinion and time, rather than the brand name I work under. I want to create a space for you to say "Hey, can I have an hour of your time to help me do this.." I love so many brands that I don't want to be confined to recommending only certain ones. 

There's so many more ideas I have in store so please stay tuned! I will always introduce things first on this website so follow along for more updates! If you haven't already liked my Facebook page ( please do or follow me on Instagram (@andreafontanabeauty)!!! 


Thank you for taking the time for reading this and supporting me along the way! I'm so excited for what the future holds and I hope you will join me! 



Andrea Fontana Beauty!