Lash Boost Review

I think I might be the last one on the block to try a lash growth serum, but my review is going to be a little different than most. Let's get a little personal. Here's the back story as to how I ended up using Lash Boost in a nontraditional way. 

In November I was washing my face one night and looked up and the way my hair happened to fall, I spotted a completely bald spot right in the center of my head about the size of a dime. I immediately inspected it and stood in shock wondering what I was looking at. Changes in your body externally can often be a sign of something going on internally and my mind went in 15 directions. I immediately Facetimed my sister, because what else are sisters for...haha and probably repeated 18 times, "ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I'M SEEING?! "

I'm lucky enough to have an uncle who is a PA and immediately called him to discuss. His instinct told him it was Alopecia Areata just based on the fact that I had recently quit a high stress job, but he wanted me to go to my doctor to rule out any thyroid or other health issues. Turns out he's the world's smartest PA (haha) and my doctor also thought it was Alopecia Areata and said not to worry about it. It's really hard not to worry about something that is caused by worrying, if that makes sense. The most frustrating thing about Alopecia Areata is that there is no guarantee the hair will grow back, so I was really bummed when I saw growth throughout the next month, and one morning in December, it all fell out again. 

This then prompted a conversation with one of the amazing mom's I nanny for who sells Rodan & Fields. I asked her if anyone had tried the lash boost on their scalp and if she thought it would work. She had never heard of anyone trying it and obviously couldn't recommend doing it since R&F had never tested it, but I was pleasantly surprised to receive it for Christmas from her! Let me repeat, R&F DOES NOT ENDORSE PUTTING LASH BOOST ON YOUR HEAD, but I was self conscious at this point and wanted to try a more natural route before going to my doctor for steroid shots to stimulate growth. If the bald spot had been anywhere other than the center of my head where I part my hair I probably wouldn't have cared as much, but it was something I was having to cover and hide on a regular basis which is annoying. 

As far as my routine goes for Lash Boost, I started off the first few weeks by applying it every night to my lashes and whatever was leftover I would apply to my scalp. I never got more product from the tube. After the first few weeks, I started using it every other night to stretch the product and I don't feel like my results were affected. With these types of growth serums, you will always need to keep applying them in an area like your lashes that naturally shed and regrow every 6-8 weeks. So if you stop using it, the results will go away. I had so many brow clients that would use it to regrow areas of their brows when reshaping so that's something to think of too!

Now for some pictures of what my scalp and lashes looked like when I started using Lash Boost on them right before Christmas and what they look like today, 10 weeks later. I stopped using the Lash Boost on my scalp about a month ago probably because I just wanted to get the hair growing, and I'm happy to say that a lot of the hair has grown back, so much so that I can't really see the bald spot anymore! (Sorry if close ups of my scalp are weird...haha) I learned through this process that I know quite a few women who have experienced this type of hair loss due to stress so I'm happy to share my story if you happen to be going through the same thing and it makes you feel more at ease with what you're going through!


As far as my lashes go, they have always been long and thick, they just won't curl and always stay super straight. I have since found that they hold a curl much better and are significantly longer and fuller. I never felt like you could see my lashes in any pictures but now I feel like you can. 

Top Image: Before, Bottom Image: After

Top Image: Before, Bottom Image: After

Top Image: Before, Bottom Image: After

Top Image: Before, Bottom Image: After

You can really tell in the lash pictures how much longer and fuller my lashes look. I didn't take any pictures with mascara on because you didn't come to the post for a mascara recommendation. haha I wanted to show you my actual lashes.

Overall I am extremely happy with my Lash Boost experience. If you are looking to purchase please reach out to Kristen HERE! She is so wonderful and deserving of your business! I know she has a Lash Boost special going on right now! I cannot thank her enough for gifting me this Lash Boost and helping me get rid of my bald spot!

Let me know in a comment below if you have tried a lash or brow serum before and if you liked it! I totally think it's worth the money, do you?

Have a great rest of your week,

Andrea Fontana

February Favorites

Hello I'm back! 

In case you missed all of the sunsets, head over to my Instagram to see all of the fun I had on my Florida vacay!

I'm back with some favorites from February that I can't wait to share. Originally I was going to include some book favorites because I have been reading a lot, but I polled you guys on Instagram and you decided you wanted a Quarterly Book Post instead, so look for that at the end of March. I feel like I mention this in every post, but if you want to have a say on the content I create, follow me on Instagram and vote in those polls!!

If links below are Amazon links, they are affiliate links. If you choose to use them, I earn a commission off of your purchase. This in no way affects the price that you pay, but supports me as a blogger and I so appreciate you if you choose to use them! If the link in this post isn't for Amazon, then it is not an affiliated link. I just like to be upfront with you! Anyways, now onto the faves!

I have been driving a lot recently and love to listen to podcasts during this time. One of my all time favorite bloggers Sydney from The Daybook, recently started a podcast with her business partner and I knew I had to listen. No shocker, I am absolutely obsessed. It's called What The Eff Podcast and it's about going after your dreams and figuring it out as you go along. I cannot recommend it enough. Sometimes they have guests, sometimes they interview each other, but every episode is amazing. Check it out here!

I can't remember how I found out this Newsletter but I love it. It's called the Girl's Night In Newsletter and you get an email every Friday morning (as if Friday wasn't exciting enough) and it's full of recommendations; recipes to make, things to do, books to read, articles to read, etc. As I get older and spend less time out on a Friday night, I really like the ideas it gives. Click this link here to sign up for it!

Next, let's talk some products. First up we have the Pacifica Rose Flower Hydro Mist. I bought this in a rush at Target when I was picking up last minute things for my vacation and I became obsessed. It has that amazing rose scent, but I used it constantly whenever I wanted to refresh and cool off my face, especially at the beach. I loved it. It also has Kombucha and essential oils in it which I find pretty cool (Side note, I'm learning how to make Kombucha Tuesday night and could not be more excited!!) It's 100% vegan and cruelty free and also formulated without SLS, petroleum, parabens, and sulfates!

I always use a lip treatment with an SPF when I am on vacation or in the sun, so I went back to this amazing one for my Florida trip that I've loved for a long time. The Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Tulip has a berry pink tint to it, which I love to give my lips moisture, color, and protection in the easiest way! I can't recommend this line of lip products enough for warm days!

Let me be a broken record and say I LOVE SHEET MASKS! haha that probably comes at no surprised, especially if you read my last post on Travel Tips. I have been using them so much recently and again I think they are great to have on hand. Here's a great set to get you started if you want to try some out. 

I want to mention my SPF that I have been using for awhile and was my go to in Florida. The Algenist Ultra Lightweight UV Defense Fluid SPF 50 doesn't smell like traditional SPF, doesn't feel like traditional SPF and I love it. It protects so well and I can't recommend it enough. I am all about formula and finish when it comes to the SPF for my face and I love how this one doesn't feel greasy at all but still nourishing. 

Lastly, I want to share a drugstore foundation you've probably heard me talk about but I've been loving for awhile now. The L'Oreal Pro Glow Foundation is medium coverage and build-able and gives a really nice glowy finish. I'm normally a NARS foundation girl all the time, but I am happy to have found a great drugstore foundation to have as an affordable option.

So that's it for February! What were your favorites this month? If you've fallen in love with something be sure to leave it in a comment below!

I hope you have a great start to the new month! I'm starting my March off with a Launch Party tonight for a Beauty Bar I did makeup for! Then I'm headed for a weekend away visiting my best friend.

Enjoy your weekend loves,


Skincare Tips for Travel

As I write this I am three sleeps away from being on a beach with a drink in my hand. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to this vacation. That being said, this past week has been filled with packing and getting things together for my trip which brings us to this post.

Your skin can change and become imbalanced when you go on vacation and change climates. Today I'm going to share with you my tips for avoiding common issues and keeping your skin feeling happy and glowing all vacation long! The more prepared you are the less likely you will be to have issues.

1. Prep your skin the week before you leave. I make sure that I am extra consistent when it comes to my skin before I travel so that it is the healthiest for my trip. Follow your routines and do some masks beforehand to really make sure your skin is happiest before your trip.

2. Prep your skin for your flight. I cannot recommend this one enough. If flying dries your skin out, wear a heavy moisturizer, overnight mask or sheet mask on the plane! I know this might seem crazy, but if you go on the plane nourished and hydrated, you won't be able to dry out as much from that gross airplane air. Then you'll get to your destination with glowing and happy skin!

3. Bring a SPF 50. You probably are not shocked that this is next. I wear a SPF everyday anyways, but I cannot stress how important this is especially if you are traveling somewhere with more sun. More sun means you will probably spend more time outdoors so DO NOT skip the SPF. 

4. Bring sheet masks. Sheet masks are a great way to bring many kinds of masks with you that won't take up much space in your luggage since they are one time use. Depending on your vacation and skin type you could need to combat all sorts of issues. If you'll be in the sun and sweating, make sure you have a good pore cleansing mask. At the same time, if you are getting sun, hydrating masks are vital. These sheet masks come in a gift set and give you many options for your next trip!

5. Bring an overnight mask for dehydration. Whether it's the plane or the sun you can almost guarantee that your skin will become dehydrated at some point. I think it's great to have a mask like this one from Laneige that will hydrate you while you are sleeping. It's light and helps draw moisture into your skin which is perfect after long beach days!

6. Bring a spot treatment. I tend to breakout when I am in more humid environments so I make sure to bring my spot treatment with me just in case I acquire some blemishes while traveling. I love this one by La Roche Posay and have been using it for years. I like to apply it in areas where I'm prone to breakouts as more of a preventative measure. 

7. Watch your diet. Especially if we are traveling for vacation, we are more likely to let loose and eat a little unhealthier than we would at home. If you know that certain types of food can affect your skin, stay away from them to lessen the likelihood of problems arising. I personally know that dairy makes me break out more. Knowing this, I'm less likely to get ice cream every night of vacation like I would normally want to. I'm not saying to not relax and enjoy food on vacation, just be aware of the consequences of what you are consuming.

8. Lighten up on makeup. Personally, I love to use traveling as a time to lighten up on my makeup routine and give my skin a break. I tend to rely on a bright lipstick as the star of the look and lighten up when it comes to the products I'm applying to my skin. 

9. Drink your water. You had to have known that this was coming, but the changes of traveling can change your body and create a little imbalance, so keeping up with your hydration is key, especially if you will be in the sun. I know I'll be enjoying a few extra glasses of wine than I normally do, so drinking extra water is key. I like to use this Origins Hydrating Mask at night when I've had a few drinks of been in the sun to combat the dehydration! 

10. Use up samples. While I'm not the biggest fan of Sephora's point system, I do like taking advantage of the small sizes of free product to take on vacation with me. Just be careful if you have sensitive skin. If this is the case, only take products that you've tried before so you don't have any sort of reaction while traveling. 

Let me know below if you're traveling soon and where you're headed! If you have any travel tips of your own let me know!

Happy travels,



Be Your Own Valentine First

Happy LOVE Day. When I was planning out my posts for the month of February, my mind went initially to makeup but I knew very quickly that I wanted to write a post about self love on Valentine's Day. 2018 has really been an interesting year for me so far. While I feel like it has flown by in two seconds, I feel like a lot of self growth has already happened. A lot of this could be due to the fact that I started my own business and really dove into the unknown. The path isn't laid out for me, so I've had to do a lot of trial & error and observing along the way. Regardless, my mind has been constantly full of self reflection and I wanted to pass along some things that I've noticed. Warning: This post might be all over the place, so bear with me. 

First off, I want you to think about Valentine's Day differently this year. Instead of thinking about candy and roses, think about being your own Valentine first, regardless of whether or not you have a Valentine. Look at Valentine's Day as a way to evaluate whether you are really creating goals and working towards them. Are you creating the life that you want for yourself? If you're in a relationship, do you push each other to go after your dreams and support each other when needed? If you're not in a relationship, this is the perfect time to cultivate more self love for yourself if it's lacking. 

Let me tell you a little story. So far this year, I've accomplished some things that I'm really proud of. A few of them brought about so much anxiety and stress beforehand, that I found myself doubting my talents, wondering if I was crazy for saying yes to these things. Then I realized that the fear of the unknown was creeping in and making me feel unworthy, creating this voice in my head. I knew I was talented enough and that they were going to turn out well. I found myself sitting in my car one morning and I had this realization. I was getting down on myself for feeling nervous and feeling unworthy, but then I realized that I don't necessarily need to turn off these voices but look at them a little differently. That feeling of nerves was due to the fact that I was challenging myself and trying something new. I'm learning, growing and getting out of my comfort zone and that's what life is all about, right?

It's ok to do something that terrifies the shit out of you! In fact I encourage you to go try something that does. Life really is a roller coaster and in order to have those strong and happy feelings of accomplishment, I have to also accept that I might have to deal with nerves and be terrified at times. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Think about what you would tell your best friend if they were in the same situation. Would you be hard on them or would you be kind and gentle in the moment and enforce how capable they are? Now be that kind to yourself.

You cannot be in a healthy relationship with another person if you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself first. Don't for one second get down on yourself if you don't have a Valentine this year, because you never know what is around the corner. Check in with yourself today and really ask yourself how you are doing and if you like the direction you are headed. If not, make the adjustments that are necessary. If you don't know how to make those adjustments, recognize that a change is needed and that you are willing to figure it out because you love yourself. It is never too late to re-direct down a path that is better for you. Only you can know what your heart desires, so make sure you are taking the time to stop and figure it out. I've learned so far this year that this is a learned habit, and if you don't force yourself to do it, it's easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of life and never figure it out. 

If anything, I hope reading this post inspires you to take at least 15 minutes to yourself and evaluate your life. Anyone can make the changes necessary to create a happy and fulfilled life, but not everyone is willing to do the work to make it happen.

I hope you decide to love yourself first today and have a magical Valentine's Day!

Know you are so loved,



Romantic & Soft Valentine's Day Makeup Tutorial

I'm back with the second makeup tutorial for Valentine's Day! Over on my Instagram (link is to the right-->) I created a poll in my stories asking if you wanted to see a romantic & soft makeup look or a bold & daring one. I already created the bold & daring, so here is the second one, romantic & soft!

This time around, I created a look that is much more subtle, but still just as beautiful as the last. I used only one palette, The Jaclyn Hill Palette from Morphe, to create the whole look! It was my first time using any Morphe eyeshadows and I really fell in love with this palette. I can't wait to create some more looks with it.  Products used are listed in the description of the video on YouTube, so be sure to click on the video and visit it there if you want details!

Remember, just like the last look, you can swap out any shadows for the ones shown and make the look your own. 

Here's a better look at the shadows that I used!


As I mentioned in the video, if you have any requests for specific looks or palettes to use to create looks, leave a comment below to let me know!

Have a beautiful start to your week,


Frugal Valentine's Gift Guide

I wanted to do something a little different than a typical gift guide for Valentine's Day, so today I've compiled a list of 10 ideas for frugal gifts. You don't have to spend a lot of money on a gift in order for it to be special. I personally don't make a huge deal out of Valentine's Day, so these gifts are more my style.

1. Cook a favorite meal or dessert. I almost didn't mention this one because it's so obvious, but cooking is how I show my loved ones how much I love them, so it wouldn't be my gift guide if I didn't include it. Even if you're not a big cook, make an easy dessert. Cooking for someone is a really inexpensive and kind way to show someone you care. 

2. Make a handmade Valentine/find an antique one. I love handmade cards but especially valentines. As I get older, I've started to really treasure the cards that I receive from loved ones, so I think this is probably the most frugal gift you can give while still telling someone how much you care. In my house I have a garland of valentines that I found all at an antique store and if they weren't decor I would probably gift them because they are so freaking cute. I love the vintage look of them and think they would make a special gift, especially if you're lucky enough to find ones with messages from the 1930's like I was! 

3. Pick out books for each other. This one doubles as a date. I wish I could take credit for this idea but my boyfriend is the one who took me to do this on our first anniversary. We had 30 min to pick out a book for each other and explain why we chose it and then we bought them and gave them to each other. We agreed to not get any other gifts for each other besides the books which I loved. This is a great way to give more meaning to a gift for one another. 

4. Self care items. If your loved one has a busy job, is really active, or just doesn't do a good job taking care of themselves, it's always a good idea to get items that encourage them to relax. Epsom salts are great for active and tired muscles, sheet masks are great for skincare junkies, and bath bombs are great for those who don't always want to spend the money on bath products.

5. Good smelling things. Candles are always appreciated and if someone is into essential oils, picking out a favorite or new oil is always a great gift that doesn't have to be crazy expensive.

6. An indoor plant. I love some fresh greens in my house especially during the cold winter months, so Valentine's day is a great holiday to get someone a new plant instead of flowers that will inevitably die. I love succulents for people born without green thumbs (i.e. me). I love my aloe plant because it's grown huge and is really low maintenance. 

7. Print off favorite Instagram photos. In a world of Instagram and Social Media, we rarely print out pictures anymore! Find a few of your favorites together and print them off and find a creative way to display them. I can't tell you how appreciative I'd be to receive these because I never think to print out the pictures I love anymore!

8. Find a photo or memento that is meaningful and frame it. If you know that your loved one has a memento, old family member's photo, etc. that they really treasure, secretly steal it and frame it (Obviously make sure you don't do anything to harm the item in case they want to remove it later on...). I think this would be a great way to surprise someone you love.

9. Expensive healthy snacks. Since everyone and their grandma will give candy for Valentine's Day, mix it up and get someone those really expensive snacks that are good for you. Things like kombucha,  dried mangos, etc. that are great treats, but just too dang expensive to eat all the time. Like go to Whole Foods and get the organic healthier gummy bears... Not only will they be thankful to have the snacks that we wish we could always fill up our carts with every week, but they won't feel guilty about enjoying them because they are the healthier alternative. 

10. Subscriptions. There are a million and a half subscriptions you can get someone these days, but I think one like the Book of the Month club for example, would be a great gift. Some of them aren't that expensive, and the value is usually higher than what you pay for them. Buy a month or whatever your budget is, and introduce your loved one to something new! 

This Valentine's Day I encourage you to go for meaning before price tag. Your valentine will appreciate it that much more, and if they don't, they don't deserve to be your Valentine! If you don't have a valentine, do one of these things for yourself! Self love is more important than any of this. 

I hope you feel loved,


Bold & Daring Valentine's Day Makeup Tutorial Video


I'm back with a makeup tutorial! Over on my Instagram (link is to the right-->) I created a poll in my stories asking if you wanted to see a romantic & soft makeup look or a bold & daring one. Technically, romantic & soft won by one vote, but I decided I would create both looks since it was so close! 

In the YouTube video below, I show you how to take a few shadows and create the easiest smokey eye. Products used are listed in the description of the video on YouTube, so be sure to click on the video and visit it there if you want details!

Remember, you can swap out any shadow for the cranberry/burgundy tones so this look is really versatile! Look for the romantic & soft tutorial to come early next week! 

Have a beautiful night,


January Favorites

I'm back with some favorites from the month of January! As you know, I had a rocky start to the new year but I'm happy to say that things have turned around and the second half of the month was amazing! The thing I am most proud of this month is that some of my friendships have grown tremendously and I feel like I went through a lot of self growth. One of my favorite YouTubers mentioned that she often finds that the greatest things come out of challenges and I feel like my January was a great example of this. What was your biggest accomplishment this past month? Leave a comment below and let me know! I'd love to congratulate you on your journey!

Now for the favorites! I'm trying a new style this month as I've become an Amazon Associate recently. This means that if you buy products through these links I will earn a small commission. If that bothers you, feel free to find the products separately. If you choose to buy, THANK YOU for supporting Andrea Fontana Beauty! You are awesome! Let me know how you like this format!

I don't have a Trader Joe's by me but had heard quite the buzz about this seasoning all over. Luckily a store opened up recently in the city I'm from so when I went home for Christmas I made sure to pick up two bottles because I knew I would love it. I put it on everything; hard boiled eggs, avocado toast, homemade bagels, and more! I highly recommend trying it out ASAP!

If you follow me on Instagram, this first favorite probably comes as no surprise! I received a cookbook (Bobby Flay Fit) that I wanted SO badly, from my beautiful friend Sammy! I have made so many recipes already from it and have loved them all. I highly recommend if you are looking to eat a healthier way but don't want to sacrifice flavor. I use it so much that I even burnt an imprint of the coil from my stove burner into the cover by accident (haha!). Be sure to follow my Instagram ( to laugh with me at my daily adventures!

I've already mentioned this next favorite a few posts back, but I finished it in only 2 weeks and I CANNOT recommend it enough. Don't let the almost 600 pages scare you away from this amazing story of the life of Cyril Avery growing up in Ireland. It's written well and I couldn't put it down; sometimes getting lost in the pages for hours at a time. 

I received a sample of this facial oil a little while back and when my coveted Rosehip oil ran out and I didn't have any on hand, I grabbed this one and have loved it all month! It's a dry oil made up of Vitamins E and B, apricot kernel oil, coconut oil, and wheat germ oil. I love how it sunk into my skin quickly and didn't leave me feeling greasy which is nice for day time. I love to put on oils with Anti-oxidants to help combat free radicals and pollution throughout the day! You only need a few drops to apply so this bottle would last a long time!

This is my favorite hair product of the moment. It was recommended by a friend Ashley, who is a cosmetologist (as you know I know nothing about hair and rely on friends for help in that area haha). I love this finishing spray because it smells awesome, gives my hair some shine and a slight hold. It's definitely not as strong as a hairspray, but I love it to tame my style when I actually do my hair. It doesn't leave any crazy residues, which I love. 

Love, love love this moisturizer. I've mentioned it before, but it's my go to in colder months or when I've been sick. I had a cold at the beginning of the month and blew my nose so many times that the skin around it was raw and red. This moisturizer saved me (due to the colloidal oatmeal). I highly recommend it for dry skin that can be sensitive. It's one I always keep on hand in case I'm feeling dry.

This one's a classic that I always go back to at least once a year and apparently January was that time. It's great for thick, voluminous lashes and always makes my lashes look amazing. I'm not sure why I ever get away from it haha. Why do we always have to try new mascaras as women? 

I contemplated writing an entire post devoted to these babies, but I couldn't hold off on telling you about them any longer. They are heaven sent if you get blemishes. Always keep them on hand. They are little nude/clear stickers that you put over a blemish at night when you go to sleep. I like to do it before I put my moisturizer on so that they stick well and then apply moisturizer around it afterwards. The trick with these is that you have to wait until there is a white head, then it pulls everything out as you're sleeping and you'll see the white color change in the morning on the sticker. The blemish will still be red in the morning, but it is always so much flatter if not completely flat from pulling everything out. I can't recommend them enough! 

Another favorite worth mentioning is the product that I did a First Impression on in my most recent YouTube video! Click here to watch it! It's the Sonia Kashuk Undetectable Creme Bronzer in Warm Tan. I love this product for everyday makeup use! Also while you're at it subscribe to my YouTube channel 'Andrea Fontana Beauty' to stay notified when I post new videos for you!

As usual, leave a comment below sharing any new products you loved this month so we can all learn from each other!

I hope you have a wonderful February,


So You're Getting Married? (Bridal Makeup Tips)


I'm really excited to bring you this post because I have so many tips to share when it comes to bridal makeup. I'm going to try to condense everything into as short of a post as possible but there is so much to consider when planning the getting ready portion of the day.

1. Give yourself PLENTY of extra time to get ready. This one has many reasons so read the whole thing! When it comes to the morning of your wedding day, you will not be able to sleep in. You're going to be so excited like a 5 year old on Christmas, so if your hair stylist or makeup artist suggest an earlier start time, do not worry. There's a few reasons why I always ask for extra time. The largest being that this is a really important day and it's the only time you will get to spend with just your bridesmaids. You picked them for a reason, so take extra time to enjoy their company. Also however you feel at the end of getting ready, is the energy you will feel when going into a first look or down the aisle. The last thing you want is to go into it feeling stressed or rushed. I also recommend that my brides take a moment to let the day sink in with peace and quiet, often when alone. Enjoy every second of the day because it will fly by. 

2. Trust your hair stylist and makeup artist when they give advice. You hired them for a reason and unless you have been married before, they do this a little more often than you. As a makeup artist I have seen TONS of things not go as planned, so when I give recommendations to my brides, it's usually because I have experience to go off of when something went wrong. Whomever you decide to go with for your glam team, wants you to have the best day ever so keep that in mind. 

3. Have a trial. I cannot stress this enough. The more that you can do to get rid of potential stress on the big day, the better. You will feel a sense of relief knowing that your hair stylist and makeup artist know exactly what you want for your wedding day. Also this allows you to make sure you don't have any sensitivities or allergies to the products being used ahead of time. 

4. Bring pictures! I find that sometimes brides feel weird about bringing pictures to their trial but they are so helpful for your glam team. It's much easier to understand what you want if we have a visual of it. We all describe things differently so pictures can help us connect the dots better. Also know why you love the pictures. I often ask brides why they love a certain look so that I can make sure I deliver the best possible makeup look for them.

5. Discuss allergies and sensitivities ahead of time.  If you are allergic to specific ingredients or sensitive PLEASE let your artist know ahead of time. While I keep a lot of extra products in my kit, I can't be prepared for every possible allergy since everyone is different. So make sure you discuss everything with your artist before the big day.

6. Create a schedule. This is the big one. Depending on large your wedding party is or how many people are getting hair and makeup done, you may want to create a loose schedule to keep things flowing properly. If your party is large, it will probably take a good amount of time (hours) for everyone to be glammed. If you create a schedule it allows your girls to at least know the approximate time that they will be needed by the hair and makeup team. I've had bridesmaids go MIA and slow down the process which can end up stressing the bride out. Sometimes they need to leave to help with setup and such, which is fine, but it's nice for them to know what time they should return to keep things running smoothly. It's helpful to have your hair and makeup team take a look at the schedule to make sure that you planned enough time for them to do what they need to do to help you look perfect! Please lean on your hair and makeup team for this! I cannot stress this enough. Have family members (mom, sisters, etc.) be done towards the beginning. I recommend making sure that none of your close family members go last. I like to plan for worst case scenario so that even the unpredictable doesn't ruin anything. Anyone who you would want in pictures to help you get dressed (i.e. sister buttoning your dress, mom putting on your veil) you do not want to go last. Just in case things are running behind you do not want your mom or sister to miss that special moment. You want to be as close to the end as possible without being last. You are the star of the show and your makeup and hair needs to look the best, so going as close to the end as possible (I recommend second or third to last) is best so that everything will look fresh at the end of getting ready!

Congrats on your big day! If you are still looking for a makeup artist for your big day, please send me an email. I'd love to be considered in helping you look your very best on your wedding day. If you are going to be a bridesmaid this year, make sure you check out this post I did on Bridesmaids Makeup Tips. 

Have a beautiful week,


First Impression Video: Sonia Kashuk Undetectable Creme Bronzer

Happy Thursday!

I'm back with another video today, this time sharing my first impression of a new cream product and some tips on applying cream products! I like first impression videos because they show you my initial reaction to using a new product for the first time. If you like this type of video, please be sure to like the video, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and let me know what you want to see next!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to celebrate the world's GREATEST man's birthday (my boyfriend <3),


Science of Skincare (S.O.S. #3): What is Cell Turnover and Why Should I Care About it?

Welcome back!

Today I am going to be educating you on what cell turnover is and why you should care about yours. If you aren't that familiar with the skin and don't spend much time taking care of it, this is extremely important for you to know about. Cell turnover is huge when it comes to combating aging and keeping your skin healthy and glowing.  I will be talking about exfoliation as well a little later on because it is a vital step in maintaining good cell turnover. If your mind immediately goes to apricot scrub, PLEASE do not stop reading this (also please throw it in the trash). 

So what is cell turnover? It's the process of new cells being created in the lowest level of the epidermis and moving outwards towards the outermost layers, to where they will eventually slough off as dead skin cells. When targeted, it can help with so many skin issues which is helpful when trying to combat more than one issue at a time.

As we age, the time that it takes for a cell to move through this process and become a dead skin cell lengthens, meaning your cells aren't renewing as quickly. This is why skin starts to lose it's glow as we age. The dead skin cells can sit on the surface causing your skin to look dull and can prevent products from penetrating well. No matter how much you try to, you cannot hydrate a dead skin cell. Ever wondered why a baby's bottom is so smooth? They have ridiculous rates of cell proliferation and their skin cells turnover very quickly. Did I just depress you? Hopefully I can bring your spirits back up by telling you how exfoliation can combat aging!

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It can be done by buffing, scrubbing, chemically breaking down different components of the skin and more. It's generally broken down into two different categories of physical and chemical exfoliation; physical being those that buff or scrub the dead skin cells away and chemical being those that dissolve the keratin or other cells to get rid of the dead skin cells. The exact type of exfoliation that you need is completely dependent on your skin and preferences (although if you've read previous posts you probably already know that I believe in chemical over physical for most).  

If you're going to use a physical exfoliator you want to make sure that the ingredients creating the exfoliation can dissolve (i.e. sugar, jojoba beads (made of wax),etc.). Things like apricot scrubs can cause micro-tears in the skin so please don't use them EVER. If you have any acne you definitely want to stray away from physical exfoliation because it can spread bacteria and increase inflammation. 

Chemical exfoliators are what I believe to be the most ideal for most skin types. I prefer to gently exfoliate a little bit every day instead of doing a really harsh form of exfoliation once in a while. This ensures that my cells are turning over consistently. I like it too because of the added benefits of keeping my pores unclogged and my skin less likely to break out. To do this, I recommend a few different types of products. You could use AHA's, BHA's, fruit enzymes, rice enzyme powders, or Retinoids, just to name a few. They vary in strength and carry other benefits besides exfoliation. For example, Glycolic Acid is my favorite AHA and while it's great for gently exfoliating my skin (I use it in my toner every night with Lactic Acid), it also helps stimulate collagen, thicken my skin, and aids in moisture retention for my skin. Some fruit enzymes can also contain brightening properties. If you have more questions about which chemical exfoliant is right for you, please send me an email or message and I'd be happy to help you. Below I've listed some examples of these chemical exfoliators (**Amazon links are affiliate links meaning I make a percentage of the sale if purchased through my link. If this makes you uncomfortable please feel free not to use. If you do, thank you! Your support helps me bring more content to you!)








Here's a quick list of benefits in speeding up cell turnover regarding different skin issues:
1. Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (i.e. acne scarring): increasing cell turnover helps bring darkened and damaged cells to the surface and the scarring fades. 
2. Sun Damage: depending on the amount of damage, increasing cell turnover can fade and lighten sun spots.
3. Dry skin: product absorption is much more effective when there are no dead skin cells building up on the surface.
4. Aging: serums and treatment products are more effective because they can penetrate.
5. Acne: pores are less likely to become trapped with dirt and oil and house bacteria, if dead skin cells aren't sitting on the surface. 
6. Dullness: removing dead skin cells can remove the dull look of your skin and bring back your glow. Newer cells just simply look better than old ones. 
7. Fine Lines: plumper and newer cells will decrease the appearance of fine lines. 

I hope you learned more about your skin today and what you can do to combat aging and keep it healthy! As always, leave a comment below with requests for more S.O.S. topics that you'd like to see.

Until the next post,


Everyday Makeup Routine

Welcome back! 

I have a highly requested YouTube video now up on my channel and below in this blog post. I added a poll to my Instagram stories asking if you wanted to see an everyday makeup routine look and so many of you said YES! (In case you haven't noticed, all of the action is happening on Instagram so go follow it!! Link is to the right -->) So here we are! 

I listed all of the products below in order of appearance so that I didn't have to spend so much time going over them in the video. I hope you enjoy this and subscribe to the channel so you can always be updated when I post new videos. 

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

Andrea Fontana